Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Birth Story : Parker Elaine

Parker's birth was a scheduled c-section so maybe there isn't a "big" grand story to tell. My water didn't break, I didn't wake up in the middle of the night with contractions, I didn't have to decide if I wanted an epidural or not, and I didn't deliver her with just one push. Of course all of those things do make for a good and exciting story to read but that just didn't happen with Parker or any of my pregnancies for that matter. But what did happen was beautiful and full of love and excitement and that's the story I want to share.

If you followed along with my pregnancy (updates and bumpdates) you know this pregnancy was anything but normal. We had due date changes, pregnancy induced cholestasis, and multiple (6) "delivery dates" it's pretty crazy to look back at. We find ourselves very grateful we delivered a very healthy little girl. When the morning of March 18th finally arrived I wasn't nervous about my surgery or how things  would go -could be because I've done this 3 times before- I was ready to meet the little girl I'd been dreaming about for the last 9 months. I was however, secretly nervous about her health, was she ready, would she be ok, need NICU time, have any issues from my condition?? From 30 weeks until two days before her Birthday she and I were monitored twice a week and each time my doctor said she was perfect. To say I put all of my trust in this doctor is a complete understatement. There's a whole other story that goes with my doctor but for the sake of this birth story let me just say my doctor was and still is like family to me and my husband. 

That morning we kissed our four other daughters good-bye and left our house for the last time as a family of six. Driving to the hospital Parker was moving and flipping in my belly as if to say she was ready... never mind the intense contractions I had been having since early that morning. We arrived at the hospital and made our way to labor and delivery as soon as we got there I saw my doctor and breathed a sigh of relief. We got checked in and prepped, I love the hospital we have delivered at (our twins also) we have had great experiences. After what seemed like forever my doctor came in and we discussed the process and what I wanted. It was so very important to me to have skin to skin with Parker, I have never been able to do this with any of my girls and with her being the last I really wanted this experience. Finally, it was time to go, I hate the moment I have to say good-bye to my husband everything gets very real at that point. And that is when I got nervous and a bit scared. I haven't always had the best experience with spinals and it sucks to not have the one person you need in that operating room with you. The anesthesiologist assured me the problems from he past wouldn't be an issue and she was going to make sure all was well. The moment after the put the spinal in and you feel that familiar warmth it's time to move (when you really can't). Laying there waiting for my husband seemed like forever the only thing putting my mind at ease was knowing that my doctor was in the room and I was about to see my fifth and final daughter for the first time. Finally, my husband came in and my nerves settled a bit and they started.

It's a funny thing having surgery to bring a life into the world, you aren't in control you have to give everything over to your doctor and just wait. The sensations and pressure I felt during the procedure made me feel as though this little girl wasn't wanting to come out... possibly even stuck! Even though it really only takes about 10 minutes from the time surgery starts until the baby is born it seems like forever I kept looking at my husband (must be with a look of concern on my face, because he kept asking me if i was ok) trying to concentrate on the music they had playing. You may or may not know that I am a huge fan of Maroon Five... well one of their songs was playing and I asked my doctors if they could make sure she was born during the song. While they laughed at my request they made it a reality and my sweet Parker was born.  I immediately began to cry I couldn't believe she was here and she looked so perfect. I waited for them to bring her to me for skin to skin, I was so excited to be able to experience this for the first and last time. They helped her onto my chest and I was in heaven, it was so much more than I imagined. I started to feel a little off and my chest was hurting so I asked my husband to take her. Watching him with our last little girl was the sweetest. Every daughter's birth has felt like the first each time and that feeling is just something that will never be replicated.  My husband took Parker to be looked at and weighed; I heard him say she was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches and I was so happy that she would be able to wear all the newborn things I had for her (not a big deal I know... but she was estimated to be well over 8 pounds!!). While the finished up my surgery my husband held Parker near me and we just stared at her guessing who we thought she looked like. I was very uncomfortable and started to panic a bit just wishing for it to be over. And finally it was; we were on our way to recovery with Parker. This was huge because the twins had to go to the NICU and I didn't get to see them for several hours after they were born.

After a bit in recover our good friend brought Kendal and Maddy in to see their new little sister and they were completely in love. They couldn't wait to hold her and love on her. It warmed my mama heart to see them so happy even with baby number 5.

After about an hour in recovery I was taken to our mother baby room for the rest of our stay. We just cuddled on and loved on little Parker for the next few hours. My heart was full of so much love and had grown yet again for another little person. We worked on nusring and Parker did amazing right from the start. Soon it was time for the twins and the rest of our Florida Family to meet Parker for the first time. I couldn't wait for the twins to see her and I was missing them already. When the girls came in the room they climbed right up on the bed with me and asked for Parker. Daddy handed her over and their faces said a thousand words. They were full of kisses and love for their new sister. They kept requesting to "hold Parker". Having them near (all of my girls near) on the day we brought our last child into the world was one of the happiest times of my life.

We spent the next few days in the hospital recovering and getting to know our newest daughter. Visits from friends and family kept us just busy enough to not go stir crazy. The day to come home seemed to come very quickly and we were ready to start our new adventure as a family of 7.. that means we have FIVE kids! Parker is now nearly four weeks old and it hardly seems possible, every Friday I am reliving her birth day over in my head. I never want to forget the excitement of that day for as long as I live... much the way I feel about all of my girls' birth days.

I have many feelings about our last child ... I'm sure there will be a post on that soon. But for now we are enjoying every single thing about this little one. Holding her close and remembering this newborn phase only lasts a while, it's a hard pill to swallow knowing she will grow quickly but we know many new adventures await this sweet little one and our family.

So here's to Parker... we love you more than you will ever know.. welcome to world baby girl.

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