Wednesday, October 4, 2017

When a Hurricane Hits

My husband and I are no strangers to extreme weather. Growing up in upstate New York we have experienced many snow storms, shut down roads, blocked highways, accidents, and been snowed in. I even had to sleep in a grocery store for two nights when I was in college because I had left my apartment and couldn't make it to my home town because of a snow storm.

Since we have lived in Florida we have experienced heavy rains, tropical storms/depressions, and flooded roads. This past month we experienced our first hurricane. In all honesty the entire ordeal was far worse than anything I ever expected. And yes, hurricane Irma could have been so much more devastating than it was and I am so very thankful it wasn't.

I never knew the magnitude something like this carries, the decisions we make, do not make, and make again can really send your head spinning. When talk of Irma moving towards Florida first started there were a lot of different theories of the path "she" would take. And admittedly I wasn't too worried, we have lived here going on seven years and seen many similar news reports. But as things started to change and friends started to worry or share that they were evacuating I started to doubt my calmness. Then things would change again and I was back to being calm, but each time the news would change there was a fear inside of me wondering if we were making the right choice. At one point we had made the decision to evacuate, we felt it was the best thing for our family. Of course my husband and I discussed all of our options several times per day and made these decisions together. Then next day (the day we were planning to evacuate) there was a change in the path and we decided it would be too risky to try and leave with 5 kids and 2 dogs not know the traffic or how long it was going to take us to just get out of Florida. So we decided to stay and then that sense of calm came back over me, knowing that we had made our final decision and were sticking to it. But yet again the new reports were changing seemly by the minute and just like before the fear was back. See, I wasn't worried about myself or my husband all I could do was think about how the kids were going to react. The worry and fear inside of me was rising with each passing moment to the point where my anxiety was getting the better of me.

We talked about how we could make the house more safe for us and the kids and decided we would board the windows and make a "safe room" for us to be during the hours Irma was supposed to be at its worst. The next morning (Saturday .. Irma was projected to hit us hard Sunday evening into Monday morning) my husband and I woke up early and headed to our our local home depot, praying we could find some plywood for the windows. When we arrived at 6am the parking lot was full of vehicles but the store was not open... my heart sank ... now what? We noticed a cop car and a truck, there were a lot of people standing around. It looked like someone was giving away plywood, my husband went over and that is exactly what was happening. But.. we were too late, there was none left and that is when I finally let my emotions take over and I lost it. The tears would not stop flowing and to add to it the news report had Irma tracking directly over Tampa as a category 4 hurricane. We came home and looked through every single thing we had to try and find some sort of something to board up the windows with and we thankfully we did. We found just enough to get it done and I can't thank my husband and brother in-law for getting it put up. The next day (Sunday) was a complete blur ... it was like waiting for something to happen but you just weren't sure how it was going to impact you. Throughout the day it rained off and on and the wind picked up from time to time. The kids seemed to have fun in the wind and at least I could see them relaxed and enjoying the day. 

That evening the kids kept asking when we were going to go to our "safe room" aka the bathroom... it was a blessing that they were so calm during this time. The news reports while looking better were still conflicting and just difficult to rely on. The kids eventually fell asleep in the "safe room" and my husband and the dogs slept in the bed while he listened to the news on his phone. I ended up in the living room with Parker. It was the longest night of my life ... you could hear the wind and the rain and at points I thought the window over our door was going to break. I kept playing it over in my mind what I would do if the window did break. I would doze off and be woken up by more loud wind and pounding rain. Around 4 am the sounds started to taper off and I was shocked our power hadn't gone out. Then the surges started off and on for about two hours and then it just stayed off.

We lost power for three days...

After Sunday was over we worked hard to get back to normal... but no power and a generator that broke on day two with now power made it a bit difficult to be normal. Through it all the kids did so amazing .... much better than I did. I learned that my kids are much stronger than I give them credit for. I know at the end of the day there were areas that were hit far worse that we were and being without power for three days is nothing compared to what others experienced and are some are still experiencing. Nevertheless, everyone deals with these things in different ways and this experience has certainly changed me in ways I never knew possible. I would like to think that if (when) something like this were to happen again we have the experience to make the right decisions for our family.

Here are some photos I took throughout the days leading up to and including the day of the hurricane ...

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for the Prayers and thoughts that you sent our way. We certainly felt them and know they worked and if you watched any of the local news reports after Irma you know the Prayers were felt far and wide. We are blessed with and incredible support system.. thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Oh hey there LIFE

Life, wow this life sure has gotten busy lately! And as cliche' as it sounds I absolutely wouldn't change it for anything. And to say the summer was busy with the kids off school leaves me wondering just how busy this school year is going to be for us! Kendal and Maddy are both now in middle school and the twins start Pre-school on the 14th! Parker is now walking and really just into anything and everything ... I'm sure her big sisters don't have a hand in her mess making at all!

With all the craziness going on around us Curt and I have tried to get in a "day" date here and there .. only once this summer to be exact but it was great and our first in almost a year! We let the big girls stay home and watch the three little ones and it went so well we've done it a few more times since then!

Kendal starts cheer this school year so I know we will be busy with practice and games all school year long! Maddy and the twins are into gymnastics and having a blast. I've been putting a lot of my extra energy into my health and fitness coaching business and to say I'm in love with it would be an understatement! I'm on a mission to help empower as many women as possible! And Curt? Well he's just busy supporting us all and waiting for hunting season of course!

There's so much more to update and I hope to get back into blogging at least twice a week... now that the twins will be in school 3 days a week I may have a few extra minutes to do just that!

Even when I'm not posting I think about things to talk about all the time! I've been going into more detail sharing life on instagram (klynnfitnessandfamily) so hop on over there for all the in between stuff!! Thank you all for sticking with me during this busy season of our lives ... there's sure to be a lot to chat about!!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Holy crap guys I have FIVE kids and this was my 12th Mother's Day WOW!! I know, I know, old news but some how with each Mother's Day as the girls get older the meaning behind the day seems to change. Not because my older girls are getting really good and making me breakfast or because they are more and more creative with each passing year but because I understand more and more what it means to be THEIR mom. Each year I learn more about myself as a mom and just how I contribute to our family dynamic. I'm also learning how my girls contribute to our family and the joy they bring to us each and every day. Being a parent is full of questions that often go unanswered not because we don't know how to answer them but because we are continually being challenged to grow and change. Being a mom is the best, most rewarding, hardest job I know I will ever have and if I had to apply for and interview for it I'm not sure I would be selected. But nevertheless, I am here now and these girls show me how much the love and care for me every single day and that is all I could ever ask for.

A very Happy Mother's Day to all of the mamas out there.. and I sincerely Pray for all of the women out there working on becoming mothers themselves.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Parker Elaine ~ 13 months

I am only a "little" late with this update for you all but hey... five kids ok!! I know Parker is only 13 months but I swear as these kids get older time seems to be moving so much more quickly and I feel like there is less and less of it.

Already in just one month Parker has changed what seems to be much more than necessary in just a short 30 days. She went from hating to stand to pulling herself up on everything and anything. She's even let go and stood on her own several times! She's cruising along the couch but still refuses to hold onto any of her "walking toys" and walk. She has made so much progress in just the last week we are blown away.

We recently took Parker to the pool for the first time this "season" and while I thought she might be a little scared of the water she proved me wrong. We started her at the small splash pad and she inched her way right over to the water and loved it! We then moved her to the pool and just sat her own the edge and good thing daddy was in the water because she pushed herself right off and into the water! She loves it so much and I am just so proud of her!

Parker still says the same few words but her favorite is by far "MaMa" while she says it ALL.THE.TIME I'm not convinced she is asking for me but more she is trying to show me or anyone for that matter something she wants. She points to what she wants and most of the time says mama.. unless its her cup .. for that she will say "mil" for milk and version of water for water. She's just so cute even if I hear her say mama around 100 times a day. She loves to give hugs especially to her big sisters and has even give them a kiss a few times... but don't you even think about asking her to give you a kiss, because that won't happen.

Of course little Miss loves to eat her favorite foods by far are veggies and fruit, she will always pick veggies over any other food in font of her. She will ask for a banana by name and if she sees food she wants she will point to it and say "more". She has milk in the morning and at night and is officially done with bottles. She is growing up way to fast and each time I put something "baby" away my mama heart breaks a little. I'm learning to deal with it little by little and I know eventually I will have moved passed the "no more baby" phase.

Happy 13th Months baby girl ... and yes you will forever be called our baby girl!

{Recap of the Parker's first Birthday Party "Dream Big" coming soon}

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