Monday, April 18, 2016

Toddler Talk : Seven

Talk: You know when "they" say twins have their own form of communication? Well it's true at least for my girls. They most certainly have their own language and we don't always understand what the heck they are saying. But every once in a while they throw in words we do understand and then and only then can we semi-figure out what is going on in their little heads. When they decide not to use their twin toddler language they are much like teenagers with their conversations; as always we find ourselves shaking our heads at just what they know and say. The past few months they have really started to show their personalities in regards to the things they say. Olivia likes to tell Charlotte what to do especially if it means repeating something we have said. It is the cutest thing especially with her  little sassy attitude. Charlotte repeats what everyone else says when she is upset by it. If someone tells her something she doesn't agree with she repeats it with such attitude, her little eyes get so big and she means business.
It is great having them be able to communicate with us and understand "a little" of what they are saying. There of course is still some yelling and whining but that is too be expected with two nearly three year olds.

Play: These two girls are into EVERYTHING going from one thing to another ALL.DAY.LONG. And now that Parker is here and I have been somewhat distracted the have definitely taken advantage.   They will pretty much play with anything  you give them and anything they can get their hands on. We are working on them cleaning up the messes they make otherwise big sisters need to step in and help. They do have a few favorites including their dolls, books, and their shopkins. They love to carry around their backpacks and pretend they are going to school. They even have to give kisses and say good-bye just like their big sisters do. I love that they can play together and stay entertained, especially with Parker's arrival. Watching them together is a lot of fun and entertaining to say the least. There is never a dull moment.

Food: We have entered the phase of toddlerhood where the toddlers don't want to eat anything. And by anything I mean nothing. It is a struggle daily to get them to eat something semi healthy. If they do decide to eat what we've made them it's minimal to say the least. They of course love to snack thoughout the day so I try my best to give them something on the nutritional side. Like all things toddler related this will pass... not sure if they will go back to eating well or be like their big sisters and be picky and want Ketchup on everything.

Sleep: We are getting there - ugh I know this is also a transition time for the girls with still a lot of changes happening around them. All in all I am feeling ok with how they are doing. They still put up a fight at bed time and nap time. The would rather play than go to sleep and who can blame them when they have a built in playmate. Naps are hit or miss as well; one thing can be sure though if they don't take a nap bed time goes much smoother... with a few fits here and there. We will weather this "storm"and at some point they will surprise me and go to sleep without getting out of bed 100 times first... right??

News: I am so excited to share that I am no longer buying diapers for the girls!! They have been potty trained during the day for just about a year now but we kept them in diapers at nap and bedtime.  They have been doing well at nap since we moved, Charlotte has a few accidents from time to time...ok most of the time; but Olivia has done great. We just started putting them to bed in undies about a week ago and so far no accidents!! We have been getting them up twice per night to go potty and it has been working well for us. I am hoping we can stop doing that soon. But overall we couldn't be more proud of them!

Watching these two girls as big sisters has completely warmed our hearts, it is just so hard to believe how big they have gotten. Our lives have been forever changed having them... God is good and he sure knows what he is doing.

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