Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Madison turns TEN!

Well that was fast! When Kendal (the oldest) turned 10 I had the thought and feeling of "Wow, I am OLD" that was nearly 2 years ago! Now my second oldest is turning 10 and if that doesn't make someone feel old(er) I don't know what will. Thank goodness I have a 2 week old to remind me that I am not THAT old. Nevertheless it is hard to believe she is 10 and it does seem like it all just happened so fast. With each birthday I am reminded that time doesn't wait for me to be ready. I have no say in the matter of getting older and that is a hard pill to swallow; especially when it comes to my children.

But let's forget about all of that for a minute and celebrate the day Madison entered this world. April 6th, 2006 she decided to make her entrance and give me my first experience with labor. The weeks leading up to her birth I was so very worried about how I would be able to love another little person the way I loved our first. But as parents of more than one child know there is no explanation of how it happens but as soon as that new little person enters your world your heart grows and so does the love you have to offer.

I have often said my oldest has taught me how to be a mother and I have learned so much as she grows. But I am realizing Madison is also teaching me a lot about motherhood. Kendal and I are very much alike so I am learning to deal with a personality much like my own. But with Madison.. who is a lot like her dad, I am learning how to parent someone very different from myself. We don't always see eye to eye and often connect on a different level. She has helped me to learn different ways of parenting, patience, and understanding. She is a jokester, craves social interaction, and affection. She is a great big sister often doing more than I ask of her. She is very out spoken and loves to say what is on her mind.

These last ten years have certainly passed quickly, we couldn't imagine our lives without this wonderful spirit. We love you so very much Maddy - Happy Birthday!!

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