Monday, April 25, 2016

Life Lately

You know when you feel like your days and weeks run together? And you thought yesterday was Friday but it was actually Tuesday so now you are really lost and begin to question your sanity? Well my friends, while I can say I did know what day yesterday was I am certainly feeling like my days are one big blur... Especially the last 3 weeks worth of days. You may think this is because we have a newborn at home or because I'm up all night feeding her and I'm just not sleeping ... In actuality it's not... Ok maybe those things have a little to do with it! 
Sickness people!! Sickness has taken over my children! Now of course it is exhausting when one of your children gets sick for any number of reasons, but the added bonus to having a big family is you also have to try and keep the other kids from getting sick! Which in my experience usually doesn't work! 
It started with Kendal feeling down and out with allergies really since we had Parker. Nothing seemed to help her or give her relief ... Fast forward about 3 weeks and she was really out... Fever, body aches, sneezing, coughing, and ear pain. The same night Kendal was curled up on the floor with a blanket wrapped around her Madison started with the same symptoms! Please don't be the flu, please don't be the flu is all my mama brain could ask for... Oh and get away from your sisters! 
The rest of the night was full of aches, pains, and fevers and plenty of hand sanitizer. The next morning we headed to the doctor Kendal was full of tears from the pain in her ears and Madison couldn't hardly walk because of her body aches. Both girls will "diagnosed" with the flu...NOooooooo... For the next few days the girls were quarantined to their rooms; they both had symptoms on and off sometimes feeling ok other times feeling horrible. A weekend of more rest and I sent them back to school on Monday. Not even 2 hours into the school day I received a call from the clinic ... Madison was there with a low fever and "very pink eyes". Another doctor visit the next day and she had pink eye! At this point I felt like I was just treading water trying to stay up AND keep everyone else in the house healthy. A few days of eye drops and she was looking better and headed back to school. Olivia had a bunch of "goop" in her eye and it was looking pink ... Seriously!! Yet another prescription for eye drops! Olivia did amazing letting us put them in her eyes and another handful few of days and both her and Madison were looking better and it didn't appear that anyone else was affected. 
After two weeks of ick in my house when Monday hit I was just hoping it was all over with. Thankfully it was... For Monday anyway. Tuesday came and Curt and I both were feeling sick (and let me say I was right in the middle of this post... Really Karma really??). We sent the twins to their Aunt's house and tried to rest as much as possible. I was feeling ok ... But my husband was a different story... He seemed to have come down with a stomach bug! Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday kind of stomach bug... I just wanted him to feel better and most importantly to stay away from the kids!! On Thursday Olivia was eating lunch and all of a sudden started saying over and over that her belly hurt. The only words she would say were "my belly hurt". She asked me to give her medicine for the fever in her belly... Cute Right?? Yea... Until she threw up all over me! Why?!? I cleaned her and myself up then she napped and seemed to be perfectly fine the rest of the day and Friday... Maybe she just ate too fast??
Curt finally started to feel better.. Enough so that he could leave the bedroom and eat a real meal. Kendal was on and off feeling crappy all weekend but seemed to feel a bit better last night...
So here we are... Monday, the beginning of May...4 weeks since this crazy sickness has taken over my house. I won't mention those who haven't gotten sick, I just hope it stays that way! 

At least for today all those that are supposed to be in school are there and the one supposed to be at work is there AND we haven't had to call the Doctor for anything... #winning let's keep the streak going... Please for my mama sanity let's make it at least two days. And for any of you currently in the sickness trenches I hope it's a quick trip and your house is germ free again very soon. 

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