Friday, May 20, 2016

Two Months ~ Parker

Holy cow! The last two months have just flown by! But don't they always when you want time to slow down? From one month to now Parker seems to have changed so much... Here is what's up.

•sleep. Parker still sleeps pretty well, especially at night. She isn't quite sleeping through the night yet but is sleeping for longer periods. She usually has her last feeding between 8 and 9 then goes to sleep around 10 and sleeps until 3 or 4. Naps are hit or miss and I'm really working on some "light" sleep training. She falls asleep pretty easily when being held (of course!) but when laid down wakes up within a few minutes ... Unless it's bed time. I am trying to lay her down when she starts to show signs of being tired so that she can learn to fall asleep on her own. We've had some success but I do realize she's only 8 weeks so I'm not pushing it too hard... Just practice. She almost always takes one really good nap each day lasting around 3 hours and then takes several 10-30 minute cat naps. On good days she takes at least 2 long naps and one shorter 30-60 minute nap. We are definitely still learning in this department. 

•eat. She is an amazing eater and I am pretty sure if we let her she would eat all day. She is still taking breast milk and formula and doing well with both. We've had some issues with reflux that we've had to start giving her some Zantac and it seems to be working for her. Feeding has been difficult for me given my desire to nurse. I've been all over the place with what to do as far as nursing and formula feeding goes. I talked about this in detail here. I'm sure I'll have an update on our plan (as soon as I figure it out myself) going forward soon. But at the end of the day she is happy, healthy, and fed and that is all that matters. 

•swaddle and cuddle. Parker absolutely loves to be swaddled. If she is fussy or tired just wrapping her up almost immediately soothes her and helps her fall asleep. She is probably our most cuddly baby she absolutely loves it and often this is the only way she will fall asleep... Swaddled and cuddled.

•play. Of course there's not a ton of play happening right now but her big sisters certainly LOVE to play with her. The twins are always trying to give her toys while the bigger sisters can usually be seen making faces and talking to her in those little baby voices. She is doing really well at responding to our voices and almost always smiles when we talk to her. She's not a huge fan of tummy time and would really rather hold her head up on her own while being burped. 

~other changes. 

When you have more than one child you tend to compare each one to the previous one or one to another. I have to say Parker is very much her own little girl. She is different from any of the other girls. She's more sensitive and doesn't handle things not going her way very well. Her tired and hungry cries are almost exactly the same ... I think she does it on purpose.. To get more food! I love that she is very much her own person and I can't wait to see how this continues to grow with her. 

Birth 7 pounds 7 ounces
2 months 10 pounds 12 ounces

Birth 19 inches
2 months 23 3/4 inches

The past two months have been nothing short of wonderful with Parker in our lives I know she is only going to continue bless us so very much. 

We love you Parker!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Favorite Eats: Teriyaki Grilled Chicken with Veggies

Since I haven't been working (in like forever) I have loved trying out new recipes. I usually follow the recipes I find pretty closely but lately I've been experimenting with different seasonings and spices. But this one I found on Pinterest (of course) is just amazing as is. I always love when I find something new my husband thumbs up and we can "add" to our meal rotation. Don't worry the kids matter too.. but sometimes I make a modified version of the recipe for them.

One other things before I give you this amazing recipe - I have a big family so there are times I have to have more meat or double something, other times the amount in the recipe is just fine as is - I'll let you know if I change or increase anything to feed my family of 6 (yes, I know we have 7 but Parker isn't exactly sitting at the dinner table yet :)

Teriyaki Grilled Chicken with Veggies


1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast

2 1/2 cups chopped broccoli Florets
3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp ginger
1 1/2 cups matchstick carrots
1 medium zucchini

3 tbsp honey
1/2 cup soy sauce, low sodium

1 1/2 cups white or brown rice (Cooked.. or just what ever serving size you need for your family)

black pepper - to taste
3 tbsp brown sugar packed
1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
 Sesame Seeds - optional

3 1/2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 cup water

Teriyaki Sauce:

In a small sauce pan wisk together soy sauce, 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp of water, the brown sugar, honey, garlic, ginger, and rice vinegar. Bring to a light boil over medium-high heat. Wisk together cornstarch  with remaining 2 tbsp water, then add to sauce mixture. Reduce heat slightly and allow to boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and set aside. (If you are tempted I say go ahead and taste it... YUM... just don't burn yourself)
I would start making your rice at this point ;)

Brush both sides of the chicken with 1/12 Tbsp of the olive oil and season with pepper (no salt needed the Teriyaki sauce is plenty salty). Preheat a grill over medium-high heat to about 425-450 degrees. Brush grill grates lightly with oil then grill chicken until center is 160-165 degrees. Remove and let rest 5 minutes then dice into cubes.
..... You can also dice the chicken ahead of time and cook in a pan - I had to do this because I don't have a grill right now... chicken still came out great
Veggies (be careful if you are like me you will be dipping these veggies in the sauce every few minutes to see if they are done... go ahead you know you want to!)

Heat remaining 2 Tbsp of olive oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat. Add zucchini, broccoli, and carrots saute 4-5 minutes until crisp and tender.
Layer rice then top with chicken and veggies add desired amount of teriyaki sauce over top! I found the sauce was pretty thick at this point so just do your best! Add sesame seeds if you like and eat!

Over all this dish was pretty easy to make and not too awfully time consuming which for me automatically gets a thumbs up!

Recipe source Cooking Classy (via pinterest)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fed is BEST

It can sometimes be a daily struggle ... The decision to breastfeed; to start, to continue, or to stop. For everyone the decision is different; it can be easy or difficult and sometimes heartbreaking. Our decision may be affected by friends or family, by society, or simply by our own thoughts and feelings. Some are able to exclusively breastfeed, some exclusively pump, others do a combination of both, while some breastfeed and supplement formula.

Parker is nearing 8 weeks and I have been breastfeeding and supplementing formula since she was 10 days old. We started out great (I thought) at the hospital she was ready to nurse practically as soon as she was born. She latched great and nursed frequently I thought to myself this is it I am finally going to be able to breastfeed exclusively. With each of the girls I have had varying success with breastfeeding. I've nursed in pain because I thought it was what I was supposed to do. I cried when I made the decision to stop because I thought I was horrible mother. I've pumped exclusively knowing full well I wasn't making nearly enough to feed the twins. When I became pregnant with Parker I was determined to breastfeed for more than 3 months, and to not supplement, or have to pump.

So here we are almost two months later and my mind continually wonders what I should be doing and honestly what I am doing wrong. Should I continue breastfeeding and supplementing? Should I pump only or should I switch to just formula? I feel like I am continually needing to choose Parker over my other children because let's face it nursing is time consuming and then adding in a bottle after a 20-30 nursing session is a lot of dedicated time. Now I know that having a newborn often means putting her needs ahead of others in the beginning month and we were prepared and had prepared the girls for this. I want to do what is best for Parker AND the rest of my family but sometimes that decisions is clouded by what I "think" I should be doing. Parker is our last child therefore my last chance to get breastfeeding right. I can't help but feel like I would be loosing a part of the experience if I stopped nursing her so soon. The bond I have felt with her is one I am not sure I am ready to give up. But realistically my body just hasn't been able to keep up with her and I can't help but feel like I'm failing her. Most days I am left with confusion on what is the best thing to do. Last week I was talking with my sister (who is a rock star on her seventh month of exclusively nursing her first child) about how I am feeling and after some discussion she just said to me "Do what you have to do for your family.. and remember FED IS BEST". Of course I have heard this before and I know this to be true so why am I putting so much pressure on myself to make a choice. For me the guilt has been overwhelming when I think it would just be "easier" for many reasons to use formula.

Each day is new with new challenges and new successes. Some days I feel like I can continue on the path we have been on and others I just don't see how I can keep up. But right now I do know that it is OK to do both as long as Parker is happy and growing that is what matters. Even if tomorrow I decide  to stop breastfeeding it will still be OK and Parker will continue to be happy and growing. I also know that no matter the decision I make it is mine alone and it doesn't define me as a mother or take away from the bond I will have with Parker. I am hopeful I can remember this when the time comes to make a choice and for anyone else in this struggle I hope that you can remember it too.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day : 2016

First, I can hardly believe I just celebrated my 11th Mother's Day (12 if you count the "you're pregnant" first Mother's Day). Second, I can hardly believe I have five daughters to celebrate Mother's day with! I was thinking back over each of the first Mother's Days with my girls and where we were at during that time in our lives. I remember the photos that were taken; how I looked and how my girl(s) looked. Starting with one then two then four and now five, I've certainly changed a lot over the last 11 years. But as I look back at my first Mother's day at 26 years old and today at 37 my title as a mom has not changed and the way I feel about being a mom hasn't either
. As soon as we are given the title of MOM  we begin to experience a love that we never knew existed.

Being a mom is not always pretty, it's hard and trying, somedays we end the day crying wondering if we are a good mom. Being a mom most times means putting your children before yourself, teaching hard lessons you really wish you didn't have to teach. Comforting your children when they are hurt; from a little scrape on the knee, or broken heart, or a hard day at school. Sleepless nights watching 'them' sleep, checking for fevers, snuggling them close, or checking for monsters. Praying the world is kind to them and that they are kind to others. Hoping we are doing things right and "not messing them up". Being a mom is one of the most (I'm sure most moms would agree it's "the most") difficult and rewarding jobs we will ever hold. But as MOMs we wouldn't change any of those things because we know that not only are they shaping our children's lives they are also shaping ours.

Happy Mother's day to all the MOMs in my life wether it be friends or family you have all impacted me in some way on this journey of Motherhood.

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