Thursday, May 28, 2015

Potty Training Update

We are just over two weeks into our potty training adventure and the girls are doing fantastic! Since my last post (here) we have had some bad days, some accidents, plenty of good days, some great successes, and many breakthroughs. I won't lie there had been moments when I was ready to just give up... even after the initial three days. Thankfully my husband kept reminding me that they are only 21 months so there is going to be ups and downs. Since Sunday they have really turned the corner and we are pretty much down to one or no accidents a day!!! The accidents that do occur are generally when we don't hear them say "pee-pee" or they are playing intently and they simply forget.

They are afraid to use any public whenever we head out we bring along one of the potty seats. This seems to be working ok for now, but we definitely need to work on them using public restrooms. We will be doing a lot of traveling in July and I certainly cannot lug the potty seat around everywhere we go. If anyone has any tips on making this work any easier for them please leave me a comment! We have a little backpack with special stickers and treats for going potty outside of the house but so far they still won't go anywhere but the potty in the back of our van!

They are still in diapers at nap time and at bed time.. they generally wake from nap dry but most times they are wet in the morning. We will try to transition them out of diapers for nap some time in the next few weeks, probably before July.

I am very proud of these two girls and how far they have come.. I am glad we chose to potty train them when we did and that we went for the 3 day method. I know there will still be accidents but I am glad we are down to just one or two a day...

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Potty Training ~ The 3 day method

It seems impossible to say but I think we did it - the girls are officially potty trained! Potty training them has been on my mind for the l...