Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day : 2016

First, I can hardly believe I just celebrated my 11th Mother's Day (12 if you count the "you're pregnant" first Mother's Day). Second, I can hardly believe I have five daughters to celebrate Mother's day with! I was thinking back over each of the first Mother's Days with my girls and where we were at during that time in our lives. I remember the photos that were taken; how I looked and how my girl(s) looked. Starting with one then two then four and now five, I've certainly changed a lot over the last 11 years. But as I look back at my first Mother's day at 26 years old and today at 37 my title as a mom has not changed and the way I feel about being a mom hasn't either
. As soon as we are given the title of MOM  we begin to experience a love that we never knew existed.

Being a mom is not always pretty, it's hard and trying, somedays we end the day crying wondering if we are a good mom. Being a mom most times means putting your children before yourself, teaching hard lessons you really wish you didn't have to teach. Comforting your children when they are hurt; from a little scrape on the knee, or broken heart, or a hard day at school. Sleepless nights watching 'them' sleep, checking for fevers, snuggling them close, or checking for monsters. Praying the world is kind to them and that they are kind to others. Hoping we are doing things right and "not messing them up". Being a mom is one of the most (I'm sure most moms would agree it's "the most") difficult and rewarding jobs we will ever hold. But as MOMs we wouldn't change any of those things because we know that not only are they shaping our children's lives they are also shaping ours.

Happy Mother's day to all the MOMs in my life wether it be friends or family you have all impacted me in some way on this journey of Motherhood.

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