Thursday, June 23, 2016

Toddler Talk: Eight

Talk: Conversations, conversations, and more conversations between these two girls. They are always talking and always seem to have something to say. If they are together there is sure to be some sort of conversation going on between them. For the most part we still don't understand what they are saying but you can bet there is going to be some giggling AND of course some fighting. For a while (and sometimes still) they didn't understand the concept of "why"; If one of them did something and we would ask "why did you do that" they would only say "yes". Now they are starting to understand somewhat and the responses they give are classic, mostly because the both talk so fast and in circles. Most of the time what they say doesn't makes any sense but it's just so fun to listen to.  Charlotte has recently started asking where things come from or where we got something. I was eating a pear the other day and Charlotte asked me if she could have a bite after she said "where this from" I couldn't stop laughing and she just kept asking me until I answered. The way they are starting to understand the world around them really shows in their language. They ask where people are they haven't seen in awhile, they say things in the right context, and even know how to change their tone of voice to get what they want. I love watching them grow in this area!

Play: Playing for these girls has taken on a whole new meaning. They are very interactive with each other and taking pretend to a new level. I love watching them play especially when I catch them doing things like mama. They make each other food, go shopping in the pantry, and go to the store. They take care of their babies, put diapers, and clothes on them. Yesterday I found Livy's baby in Parker's crib and the sound machine was turned on. They interact with each other just like big girls telling each other where they are going and what to do. We are working hard on adding a little learning into each day. Right now we are focusing on the alphabet and letter recognition. They impress me each day with how much they remember and learn, sometimes without me even knowing it. Having twins is awesome but watching them together really takes the awesomeness of it all to the next level.

Food: These girls are still very picky in the eating area but they are starting to try new foods and eating some things I never thought they would like. Each day is a new challenge in feeding them, some days they don't eat breakfast, and eat minimal for lunch, but eat a good dinner other days they simply want to snack all day long. This can be an area of frustration for sure but we are just trying to take one day at a time. Madison found a recipe for a great protein drink and the twins love it so maybe there will be more of those in the future.

Sleep: These girls really do push the limits with sleep! BUT I can say there has been progress made! They are going to bed a bit easier and staying in bed more times than they get out. We have added a (few) stories to the bed time routine and (I think) that is helping some. We are getting them up around 4-5 hours after they fall asleep to use the bathroom so that we can prevent accidents. I am hoping we can end that soon... because now that Parker is sleeping through the night I would love to just stay asleep too!! And if we could just get them to stop coming into our bed in the middle of the night that would be a bonus!! They are still napping pretty well and will nap most days for 2-3 hours which is nice and Parker typically naps at the same time so that I am able to get some stuff done or even get a nap in myself! I hope this trend continues for a while!

News: We are headed to New York in a few weeks for my sister's wedding (can you say EXCITED?) The twins will be the flower girls and let me tell you they are so excited. Their dresses are just the cutest things and I am so very excited to see them walking down that isle together! Not to mention myself and the big girls are also in the wedding, I simply cannot wait for this day!

These girls are so close to three it's crazy,  I can't believe these girls have been in our lives for three years. We still look at them daily with such awe that we were given two beautiful girls at the same time. I don't think it will ever get old!


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