Sunday, June 19, 2016

Three Months ~ Parker

It's pretty much a given that each month will be full of new changes and some milestones... so forgive me if I sound repetitive each month by saying I can't believe how much Parker has grown and changed!

•sleep. We are sleeping through the night and I say "WE" because anything Parker does means I do it too! She slowly started sleeping through he night shortly after she turned 2 months. Truth be told I really couldn't wait for this to happen.. don't we all feel this way?? She started off waking about an hour later than normal for her "middle of the night" feeding... going from 3:00 am to 4-4:30 am. Then I started to give her her pacifier when she would wake to see if she would go back to sleep sometimes she would go back to sleep other times not. Eventually she learned to sooth herself back to sleep and will now sleep until about 5:30-6am at which time she gets to lay in bed with mama and will sleep until about 8! I'd say it's still a work in progress but non the less she is sleeping through and I am one happy and semi-rested mama! She is still on and off in the nap category. Some days she will sleep very well and take at least two 2-3 hour naps other days she only naps in 30 minute increments. She does pretty well going to sleep on her own. I've been putting her in the crib while drowsy and while she does fuss for a few minutes she can usually go to sleep without me needing to rock her. 

•eat. We made the transition to formula this month and it was a rough decision for me but the best for Parker and our family. She still eats very very well and is eating 5 ounces around 6 times per day. Between 6 and 8 pm she thinks she needs to eat twice... I am sure this is her "witching" hour as this is typically the only time she is really "fussy". We are still working through her reflux with good days and bad. If she doesn't get her medicine twice a day we can really see a difference in feeding issues. 

•swaddle and cuddle. Little one still loves to be swaddled, all of the girls have loved to be swaddled but never this long, they outgrew the desire to be swaddled right around 2 months. But this one she just loves it; often it is really the only way she will go to sleep.

•play. Parker is really starting to take more interest in "playing" or what can be considered playing at 3 months old. She has discovered her hands and almost always has them up to her mouth. The last week I have noticed her really trying to focus on them while she pulls them up. She loves to look at the mobile on her mamaroo, I've even caught her smiling at it a few times. She also seems to be reaching for it and has hit it while swing her arm... I'm going with she is playing with it :) She has also started to grip her blanket and will hold onto a toy (given to her by big sisters of course) for a few seconds. She smiles all the time and the coos have started especially when we are talking to her... it's just the best! 

~other changes. 

We put Parker in the bumbo for the first time this past month and she was so cute! I think she likes it for sure but may need a few more weeks before she can be in it consistently. She is doing a great job holding her head up which is amazing to me give the fact that she really hates "tummy time". She only lasts about 2 minutes before she is upset and ready to stop.  I see bits of her personality emerging each day, she's very laid back and doesn't make much of a fuss unless of course she is hungry or tired. She also seems to be pretty sensitive to things she is unfamiliar with i.e. daddy making different noises at her or Bella (our dog) barking randomly that little bottom lip comes right out and I know the tears are soon to follow. 

I'm still coming to grips with Parker being our last baby, daughter, child... however we want to label it...she's the "last". I love to just stare at her and I find myself really trying to remember every single thing about her and I play things like her birth day and her first smile and noises over and over in my head so that I won't forget... With every first she has it is also a last for us. I am content in just letting her reach milestones on her own timeline because I know when they start coming there will be another one right around the corner. The love we have (all of us have) for this little one is beyond anything we ever expected.

Happy 3 Months Parker... we love you so

Two Month Update

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