Monday, March 7, 2016

Thirty Five Weeks

The exhaustion is real in this photo...

How Far Along - 35 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain - 26 pounds - With just 2 weeks left I am feeling like this is a good weight... It's hard to say for sure though, I feel like every time I go to the doctor I gain another pound which would be ok if I only went once a week!! We will see where I am at by the end of this week probably 29 pounds!

Maternity Clothes - This is the time of pregnancy when you just feel like nothing fits and the things that do are pretty tight so I am pretty much left feeling huge and very repetitive in the maternity clothes department. But the end is near so we (Me and this big ol' bump) will make it!

Sleep - The twins have started sleeping through the night again (maybe waking once or twice but mostly going back to sleep on their own) making it a little easier for this mama to get some rest. And I am happy to report I have been sleeping pretty well. It is hard to get comfortable but I have been able to get some consecutive hours of sleep which is really all one can hope for at this point in pregnancy.

Miss anything? Putting on socks and shoes, bending over, and just completing simple tasks. When your belly is big and in the way it just makes the usually every day tasks a little harder to complete.

Cravings - Nothing really even sounds appetizing at this point, sometimes I feel like I could eat anything and everything I could get my hands on and other times the thought of food is just not appealing.

Symptoms - Swelling is definitely making its appearance in these final weeks my hands, feet, and ankles especially at the end of the day. Some headaches here and there and just general discomfort.. all symptoms to be expected.

Looking forward to- Now that the c-section has been changed once again (my doctor overlooked his vacation) to March 19th and it is official we have under 2 weeks until we finally get to meet this baby girl. This is a busy week full of doctors appointments to continually check on her as well as a final growth scan. While we are more than ready for baby girl's arrival we are making sure to shower our 4 daughters with lots of love before they all become big sisters again... or for the first time!!

The kids getting in on the "bump" photo action 

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