Friday, December 18, 2015

Toddler Talk - Three

Why yes it has been two months since I last talked about these crazy toddlers in my life. Today they are 28 months and of course my time hop is full of photos from 4 months and 16 months ugh why must they grow so quickly? As I type their little sister is wiggling around in my belly no doubt letting me know how quickly she is going to grow as well. This age/stage is a lot of fun and a lot of challenge, as we go day to day I am reminded of things their big sisters did that pushed the limits; the only difference is there are now two of them, making the challenges that much more ehhhh challenging.

Talk: Since when did these crazy little girls start speaking to each other like adults? I mean seriously they now have full on conversations usually ending in a some sort of yelling (aka fighting). They can be heard telling each other to say please, or saying things like "My turn now sissy", "it's ok sissy", "I do it", "sissy funny" and there is so much more. It seems like each day there is a new word or phrase that just stops us in our tracks wondering how the heck did they know to say that.  Many of the things they say are sometimes hard for us to understand especially when they are needing something from us. They don't really know/understand that there are opposites, everything is "on" even if they want it off, or "up" even when they want the window down, and even "no" when they mean yes. This is especially frustrating for big sisters that are trying to help. Patiences and Practice will get them there.

Play: Color? Color? Paper? Color Paper? These girls L O V E to color, draw, write you name it, if it involves some sort of writing instrument they want to use it.. sometimes all over the walls (But we won't talk about that). I have loved watching this skill grow from scribbles all over the page to drawing "ovals" and intense focus of color certain areas of the paper. Both girls appear to be right handed at this time... maybe baby girl will be my lefty. Park... good lord these two love to be at the park and would gladly go all day every day if we let them. They are getting very daring and willing to do a lot more that they have in the past. Sometimes wanting help and other times being very independent. The smiles we get when we tell them we are going to the park are unlike any I've seen from them... such excitement.

Food: These girls eat well some days and others they are just not into it. They will try pretty much any food we put in front of them but do have their favorites. They love to snack and must also have some sort of drink within close range.

Sleep:  Ok so it's not THAT bad but it has been WAY better. I think we are entering the next teething phase. We've also had some transition in our lives the last few months and I am certain it is and has been affecting their sleep habits. I know that once things settle down and get back to normal for them their "issues" will correct themselves.

News: About a month ago we successfully gave up the pacifiers (blogged about it here). And they did amazing with it... so much better than I gave them credit for. These small steps away from "baby" are so bitter sweet and a hard reminder that they just don't stay little for too long. They already love their baby sister, Charlotte loves to lift my shirt and see "baby" always wanting to hold her and give her a drink. Livy knows when my "belly hurts" if I am carrying her and she is sure to point it out and say "sorry mama". I can not wait to see these two as big sisters this little one is going to be so very spoiled. We have regressed a bit with potty training, mostly while in the car, I am sure this is also related to all the change we've been experiencing lately. Definitely looking forward to this going back to normal ASAP.

These little girls bring us so much joy and laugher and remind us every single day to choose patience over frustration and grace over anger. We love you girls.

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