Tuesday, November 10, 2015

No More Pacifiers... W H A T???

This past Friday we took the leap and removed the pacifiers from our lives (for at least the next 5 months). There are so many great things that come from having pacifiers but at some point the time comes to take them away. The hard part is deciding when the "time" actually should be. Over the past few months I have said "ok we have to do it this weekend, or next week, or next month" but I always changed my mind for one reason or another. The last few weeks have been pretty crazy for our family and I promised myself that once we felt like things were somewhat settled and "normal" for the twins we would do it.
So we did it... we "prepped" them as much as we could... telling them once they gave mommy their paci's they would get a toy. About once a day we would say things like "are you going to get a toy when you give mommy your paci" and almost always they would had me their paci and say "toy, toy". A few days before the big day we adding that they could get a new stuffed animal (more for us to feel better about taking away their soothing item).
The big day came and I let them have their paci's while we dropped sisters off at school. We then headed to the mall for their new toy and stuffed animal... the Disney store to be exact. The whole ride there I reminded them they were giving me their paci's and they wouldn't get them back (eeeekkk) at one point Olivia threw hers and asked for a toy. We got to the mall and I asked them to hand me their paci's Charlotte did it right away and Olivia took few last minutes with her current bestie. They picked out their toy (a Doc McStuffins soccer ball..for each) and their stuffed animal (Minnie Mouse .. of course). Then I treated them to a smoothie and we headed to lunch at work with daddy. Almost as soon as they got in the car they began asking for their paci's... my worst fear had begun ... the begging and crying. Thankfully, the asking only lasted for a few minutes... phew. The rest of the afternoon was good.. minimal asking and some crying on the drive home. The first true test was about  to happen... N A P T I M E. I got them ready and they started asking.. I said "remember you gave mommy your paci's because you are big girls now" there was a bit of "crying" mostly whining and Charlotte fell asleep first after about 2 minutes. Olivia took a bit longer.. she didn't do much crying but seemed a bit bored, eventually she fell asleep. I was so impressed and honestly shocked at how well they did.
The rest of the day was great and soon it was bedtime... I may have stalled for  a few extra (30) minutes because I was so worried about how it would go. Turns out I had nothing to worry about Charlotte asked but then answered for me "I big girl", Olivia asked once and they just fell off to sleep. This mama was in utter shock... I just cannot describe how amazed and proud of them I was and I still am.

Looking back on the reasons why we didn't take them away at the different times we said we would I realize the reason was with me. The last few days of them with the pacifiers I found myself feeling like my babies would be gone. They are potty trained, nearly speaking in full sentences, and just all around acting like such big girls. Taking away the pacifiers was pretty much the last connection to babyhood (minus the cribs they still sleep in) we had. It sounds funny to say I don't want them to grow up or I want to still look at them as my "babies" especially when I have another one on the way But loosing that part of your children means you also have to accept they are growing up and that can be hard as a parent. Making decisions as parents is never easy... we never really know if we are making the right ones, sometimes until after the fact. But with each new decision we learn that maybe just maybe we have this parenting thing figured out... until the next time.

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