Wednesday, December 9, 2015

That First Moment

Becoming a mom for the first time is one the most exciting, scariest, proudest, and most wonderful times in a woman's life. That first moment of realization .... "I'm a mom" is different for everyone and the feelings and emotions that go along with it are very personal and ones that will be remembered forever.

My little sister just recently became a mom for the first time and when I saw the photo of her with her minutes old daughter and her fiancé tears immediately began to flow. That was the moment I saw my sister as a mother and I knew she was going to be amazing and her life would never be the same.

Through social media I've seen many of my friends post photos just after giving birth I am amazed at the rawness of emotions displayed across their face in a way we may never seem to capture otherwise. I love those moments especially when that moment makes you a mother for the very first time.

I asked some of my favorite mamas to share with me how they felt the moment they first became a mother and all I can say is "wow" ... Just wait until you read them. Some of these moms are first time moms, have twins, have more than one child or may be pregnant with a new little one... Either way the memory of that day never really seems to fade.

Christina Boyce 

Like your first kiss or the first time you fell in love, you never forget the first time you became a mother.
I am about to embark on motherhood for the fourth time, but for a moment, let me reminisce about the first time.
I was in my early twenties and had no clue what to expect. I read every book that was given to me in hopes of preparing myself for the adventure that awaited me. I took the classes hoping to breathe easier and make the most of the moment. What no one told me was that none of those books or classes would actually prepare me for the uniqueness of myfirst time into motherhood.
During the contractions of labor I was so scared. Would I know how to push a baby into the world? Would I poop on the table? Would my baby have all it's fingers and toes? Would I instantly feel connected to this new life?
Then without thought or instruction I heard his cry for the first time and realized, it would all be okay. I knew nothing, yet I knew everything about how to love him. The world vanished in an instant and all that mattered was this small child and me.
Motherhood allowed me to let go of the idea of being perfect, of being right of being the best. Motherhood opened my eyes to the idea of finding beauty in the unknown and the not so perfect. 

Check out her blog Caffeine and Three
And her Instagram here _Christinaboyce

Alyssa Farr

The moment I became a mother.
The feelings at that second are so hard to describe. I luckily got to deliver my twins vaginally. I pushed for about 2 hours before my first little girl came out and then 8 minutes later my second little came into the world as well. I remember pushing and pushing and feeling like they would never come and finally after a long 2 hours they were here. As soon as they came out they were taken to nurses and both rushed off(with my husband). I barely got to meet my little girls. Once they started to come, I feel like it went so fast. I was laying there in an empty room with just few nurses, without my babies and without my husband and I was in shock. Nothing felt real. And honestly I felt empty. I never got the joy to have my babies lay on my chest right when they came out, which was harder than I thought. That's the moment I feel like every mother looks forward too. They were no longer being protected by my body and I couldn't even be with them. I was lost. They wheeled me back to my room while the girls were getting still getting checked out. All I wanted was my babies but I had to wait, which every minutes felt like an eternity. I knew my husband was with them so that helped. About an hour and a half later they finally look me to see my babies. As soon as I was wheeled into their room, the tears started to flow. Luckily they were as healthy as could be. I held my little girls and my heart all the sudden felt a completeness, I never even knew it needed. At that moment everything was okay in the world. I no longer felt lost, I actually felt found. I felt like my whole life had a purpose. Being a mother is a dream come true. It's the most amazing and indescribable feeling. So blessed 

Alyssa's Instagram here

Tara Dunham 

How I felt the moment I became a mother.
Not that I have been a mother for long (less than 3 weeks)....I'm sure my response is way different than everyone else. I've always considered myself a selfish person, not so much in the sense of not thinking or caring about others but in the sense I always was able to take care of my needs and myself without hesitation. I was always so caught up in "me",
My future, my career, etc. The moment I became a mother all of that changed. I became selfless...for the first time I looked at another person and instantly all of my own worries, my own wants, and needs didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was this tiny human that I somehow created. From that day on I've realized what it means to care for another person more than you care for yourself.

Tara's Instagram here

Meridith Haynes

I remember feeling both panic and total peace. Excitement and fear. I'd dreamed about them from the moment I found out we were expecting two: their personalities, their hair, their eyes, their lips... They didn't look like anything I imagined, yet when I saw them for the first time I thought, "Of course."  I prayed to God that day (and every day since), "Please don't let me mess this up." Our life was far easier before Jude & Sloane, but it didn't really begin until they were here. 

Meredith's Instagram here
Check out her blog A Work in Progress

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