Monday, November 30, 2015

Twenty - One Weeks

How Far Along - 21 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain - 12 pounds - according to the official doctor report from today. I was a little nervous when I saw the scale to be honest. I was thinking of my pre pregnancy weight and I was off by a "few" pounds... going from memory. So when I asked how much I had gained I was relieved that it was in fact only 12... but not too excited with the difference in my "thought" pre pregnancy weight and my actual pre pregnancy weight... Oh well.

Maternity Clothes - YES! This baby girl has made herself more than known so maternity clothes are always part of my wardrobe.

Sleep - Pretty much the same as it has been ~ I can sleep pretty comfortably until the first time I have to get up to pee then it kinda goes down hill from there. My arm usually falls asleep and strangely enough my ear hurts from laying on my left side. Baby Girl likes to move at night and I don't mind it one bit... even if it does keep me awake for a few extra minutes.

Miss anything? Still not missing much.. maybe the ability to go more than an hour without peeing. It is becoming increasingly harder to reach my feet without sitting awkwardly on the floor. And I do miss Sushi when I think about it... so I try not to think about it much.

Cravings - Still chocolate and add in donuts (thank you to my sister) and anything salty. Seems to be my typical "girl" gender pregnancy cravings are right back for round 4. I also really enjoy anything Italian and could probably eat a variation of pasta every day of the week... but it's a good thing I don't do that because I would likely die from heartburn.

Symptoms - Nothing much has changed in this department - still heartburn and round ligament pain new these past few weeks has been leg cramps at night... if I wake up and try to stretch. Insert increased water intake here.

Looking forward to- Continuing to feel this little one kick, she certainly has increased her movement over the last week. Today was our anatomy scan and we found out everything was just perfect with her. She is still measuring a week ahead so I am sure we will be having  a March baby. She officially weighs a little over a pound and might just be my biggest baby... we will see. She has some pretty long legs that she was moving all over the place. I also found out that I have an anterior placenta which explains why it took some time for me to feel her more subtle movements. We are so happy with her growth and progress!

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