Monday, November 16, 2015

19 Weeks!

How Far Along - 19 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain - ???- I don't really know how much weight I have gained to this point... my scale broke so I have yet to step on a scale since my last doctors appointment on October 20. I would guess I am right around 8-10 pounds gained at this point. No new crazy comments or questions to report this week...

Maternity Clothes - Still a big fat yes! I will mix in some non maternity items here and there (insert leggings here). You aren't going to believe this but I have never worn leggings before this pregnancy ... I know crazy right?? Well either way they have made their way into my wardrobe this time around and I am very happy about it.

Sleep - It's going better - "for now" falling asleep is pretty easy.... but getting up multiple times a night to visit the bathroom makes it hard to stay asleep. Getting comfortable isn't the easiest thing at times but that is come and go... for now :)

Miss anything? Surprisingly I am not missing much these past few weeks. This pregnancy is just moving along and quiet honestly feels like it is going too quickly. I really just want to enjoy every minute of my time with this little.

Cravings - The Chocolate cravings I typically have while pregnant have returned! However, it has to be certain kinds of chocolate.. things like chocolate and frosting and m&m's really don't agree with me... making me nauseous and giving me some crazy heartburn.

Symptoms - Heartburn and frequent restroom breaks still top the list but let's add in round ligament pain. Round ligament pain is something I have experienced each pregnancy (especially with the twin pregnancy) but this time around it is pretty painful.. actually very painful. Most of the pain is right on the sides of my belly and let me tell you it feels like the inside of my body is being ripped from my skin.. yea it hurts like that. Mostly, if I am picking up the twins or move to quickly I can expect to feel this crazy pain.

Looking forward to- Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving just as a fact and being pregnant for Thanksgiving is even better. Our anatomy scan is scheduled for the 30th but all my fingers are crossed for something to open up next week! Baby girl has been moving around off and on for a few weeks and the movements I feel have been pretty sporadic. Mostly I will feel her a few times per day but nothing too consistently. I am looking forward to those consistent kicks!!

Oh and a special thank you to my bump photographer ... Kendal :)

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