Sunday, November 1, 2015


How Far Along - 17 weeks

Total Weight Gain - 5 pounds - I always laugh at the doctors office when they automatically put the little slider thing at "100" and I know they need to put it at "150"... I mean hey I am glad they think I am less than 150 but come on you do this every month!! My belly is certainly showing and there have been a few comments that I just shake my head at. Here is an example for you... a conversation between myself and an employee at SAMs club.
SAMs Club: are you having another girl? (I had Kendal and Madison with me)
Me: Yes, actually I am
SAMs Club: Awe.. my mom has three daughters
Me: Yes, Girls are great this is actually number 5 for me
SAMs Club: You need to stop having kids
Me: Uhhh..... That's why I didn't ask for your opinion

In all fairness this "girl" didn't seem to be much over 20 and probably didn't realize what was coming out of her mouth until she said it. Kendal told me that I shouldn't have told her this was baby number 5 if I didn't want her to say something negative. I contemplated this for a minute and thought maybe she was right... maybe I was asking for that kind of feedback. But really come on even if you have kids where does someone get the idea that it is ok to "publicly... out loud" say that you need to stop have children? Either way it didn't bother me just made me realize these are the types of comments I am sure I will continue to receive.. right or wrong it's the world we live in.

Maternity Clothes - Yes....I've started to realize I don't want to wear sweat pants and yoga pants all the time so I have invested in some leggings and jeans are on the list for the next purchase. I am waiting for this Florida weather to turn at least a bit cooler so I can start wearing any number of the long sleeve shirts I have.

Sleep - Ehhhh... So So... some nights are good and some nights are rough. I do find it very hard to get comfortable; I've been using the snoogle body pillow for a while now and I am not a body pillow person. I loved it at first but now I am not so sure, I am comfortable when I first go to sleep then I wake up and I hate it! Ugh... the struggle is real!

Miss anything? I still miss sushi of course and the ability to sleep a full night without needing to use the bathroom at least 2-3 times. Sleeping on my stomach and the joys of eating pasta without heartburn.

Cravings - Ok.. so I know this is going to sound crazy but I am actually  not craving subs this week. Will I eat one if put on front of me... uhhh yea, but much like most foods they no longer sound appetizing to me. I only really crave something for a short period of time.. like if I drive past a PDQ right away I am craving fries. Or if I walk past strawberries that is all I can think about for the next hour. Water with ice is still something I can't seem to get enough of, I am usually very thirsty and water is the only thing that takes care of it.

Symptoms - Heartburn and frequent restroom breaks top the list. My body hurts.. my back, my shoulders, my neck.. prenatal massage is scheduled for Tuesday.

Looking forward to- I've been feeling baby girl move off and on for a few weeks now but nothing consistent. Some days I feel her move once in a while and other days I don't feel her at all. I am looking forward to feeling those movement more consistently soon. We did see baby girl last Tuesday and she looked great measuring a full week ahead. We have our anatomy scan in a few weeks and we can't wait to see her again!

Oh and did I mention my niece was born yesterday?? My little sister and her fiance' welcomed her first baby to the world! This little one makes 5 granddaughters for my parents with one more on the way! I am so happy and proud of my sister, she did an amazing job with labor and delivery! This little girl is sure to bring lots of joy to our family... Welcome Paisley Jade - You are already loved more than you will ever know. 

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