Thursday, March 16, 2017

Toddler Talk... Three and a half

Twins... a surprise every single day... and Charlotte and Olivia have been surprising us since 6 weeks (when we found out "it's twins").
Three is just a crazy age and times that by two and life just gets plain hectic (oh and add in 3 more kids and you get the picture). As the months pass (too fast in my opinion) the girls just seem to be more and more like little people with their own language and personalities. Each day I see something that sets one apart from the other. Olivia is very much the boundary pusher I never really saw that in her until recently. She tries to get Charlotte involved in everything she does that is ... ummm... against the rules, I'm guessing she does this so she isn't the only one to get into trouble. Charlotte can be overheard telling Olivia she doesn't want to get into trouble when asked to do something she knows she isn't supposed to do.
Both girls are extremely independent and do not want anyone to do anything for them. I mean down to the smallest thing like putting a straw in a juice box. Sometimes they will tell the other they will clean up all by themselves or race to the get something the other one has asked for. Their love for each other is strong they share secrets and laughter. I hear Charlotte asking Livy all the time if she loves her and each time the answer is yes... Charlotte smiles with excitement.
Each day they seem to understand more and more about themselves, each other, and life in general. I love to watch Charlotte's face when she sees something she thinks is "sooo cute" let me tell you it is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. They are beginning to understand the meaning of right and wrong and with that comes opportunities for them to try and find ways around the rules. While it is quiet comical to watch, two of them together can certainly be a test of patience.
They love their sisters so very much and are just so in love with Parker and want to involve her in all they do. They sing when she is upset, give her food when they "think" she is hungry, help change her diaper and so much more. They love to play with Kendal and Madison getting their makeup done, playing dress up, jumping on the trampoline, and just hanging out watching TV. I've never felt so blessed to see all of these girls together and having fun.
There is so much to come for these amazing twins a year to be filled with so much growth. I can't wait to see what's next and how they change and grow. Three and a half is certainly different with TWO at the same time but I know we wouldn't want it any other way.

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