Monday, February 20, 2017

Parker Elaine ~ Eleven Months

I'll spare you my usual opening line about how fast time is going and just say this... life never seems to slow down no matter how much we want it to. We want to keep our little ones little for just a bit longer than possible. We encourage them to crawl and talk and try new things but deep inside we long for that tiny little baby we brought home from the hospital. But soon they turn ONE and then they are ready to start pre-school, and become a teenager and on and on. Anyway, you get my feelings right now on my "last" baby girl turning one...

Parker is into everything and I mean everything, she can find the smallest piece of nothing in the rug and yes it goes right to her mouth every.single.time. She can start in one area and end in another room 2 minutes later. No...she doesn't crawl yet, but she has figured out a way to move around using her butt and one leg/foot. She can get herself into crawling position but then decides sitting up is easier than crawling. Will she get there? Of course she will and I am perfectly fine letting her do it in her time. She prefers to stand at the couch or holding on to one of her family members rather than sitting. But when she is sitting she pretty much always crosses her little feet.

Parker is a talker and mimics almost every word we say. So far we've been able to make out ...  mama, Olivia (o'ya), Bella (ellya), Maddy (ma'ye), hi, and uhh oh. And maybe baba and dada... we are still listening for those ones. But babbling is by far her favorite thing to do and she's become an expert and changing her tone of voice from cute and quiet to loud and monster like.

She has 4 teeth two top and two bottom and thinks it's the funniest thing when she bites something (especially our fingers). With the addition of her teeth she loves to eat (nothing new there) and will eat anything we give her. Some of her favorites are cheese, yogurt, veggies, and did I mention .... anything we give her. It's no secret this little one has a love for food and don't even think about giving her any sort of baby food when there is big kid food to eat.

We are absolutely head over heels with this little one she makes every day happy and everyone that sees her smile. The party planning is in full effect but luckily I have a few extra weeks as we are having her big party in April when all of our family can be here to celebrate this amazing little girl with us all.

Happy Eleven Months Parker Elaine we love you so much.

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