Friday, October 14, 2016

Mom Talk : 10/10

Mom can you?? Why do kids decide to ask you to do something for them when you absolutely cannot??? Why??? And why can't they ask the other adult in the room... in my case THEIR DAD?? Let me set this up for you... I'm laying on the floor during my workout with a resistance band wrapped around my waist right in the middle of the exercise and here comes Charlotte with play dough in her hand.. "Mommy make this a ball for me?" ugh.... go ask your dad!! Or that 5 seconds of peace you think you will get when you have to go to the bathroom and all of a sudden you see little fingers under the door... Moooooommmmmmyyyyyyy!!!! At least they need me right???

You're my Twin. I over hear the girls playing all the time and the stuff that comes from them is pretty funny. I absolutely love having twins especially when I take them somewhere and we turn into a circus side show and all the questions start flying. The most famous is.... Are they twins?? or wait it's actually Awwww, are they twins??? I have been trying to teach the twins to answer "yes, we are twins" they haven't gotten there yet. However, I did hear them they other day playing and Olivia said (during and argument I might add) "you can't do that because you are my twin" first my heart melted they actually know they are twins!! Second, I thought to myself is this how they are going to be as teenagers?? I pray they always look out for each other even if it means reminding the other they are twins.

You have your hands full... Oh do I really??? Please tell me why you think that is the case?? I mean I know I have 5 kids and sometimes I even have to carry two of them at a time. And today I had one in the baby wrap and I carried one on my back... but technically my hands were empty so I guess that doesn't really apply. Oh wait I had three of my five girls in the store with me at the same time.. does that qualify as "hands full"?? Ok, Ok, I know I'm being a little sarcastic here but these are real life things that happen to me when I am with my kids. I like to think people mean well and most of them do, but you know when you get the comment with the side eye at the same time it is really hard to give people the benefit of the doubt. I love my girls with some sort of love I never knew existed so I am happy to accept any comment thrown my way. But when you make those sorts of comments with a nasty look on your face and my kids are present you better believe I'm not going to just nod and smile. My girls are being raised to know the love of a big family!

Man cold... first let me say I love my husband very much, we've been married for 14 years and we are coming up on 20 years together as a couple. I know this man, maybe even more than he knows himself. That being said this loving husband of mine turns into my 6th child when he is sick. There's this video going around Facebook of a husband and wife.. the husband is sick and in bed all day while the wife is also sick yet she continues to do the housework and take care of the kids. This is possibly a slight exaggeration, or is it????? I think it has been determined that there is such a sickness known as the man cold... I am sure I don't really need to describe it because it's very possible we have all experienced it at some point. My husband has quite possibly perfected this "sickness" I am thinking it is high time I take a page out of his book and begin implementing the "mom flu" ... I'll let you know how it goes.

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