Sunday, January 10, 2016

Twenty Seven

How Far Along - 27 weeks 1 days ... Hello third trimester ... I think ?

Total Weight Gain - An unscheduled trip to the doctor this week has me at a 17 pound weight gain. I really don't know how I gained 2 pounds since my last appointment like 10 days ago... maybe it doesn't matter and you know it's a girl thing worrying about weight gain.. it's silly really to worry when you are pregnant and you are supposed to gain weight. Either way I'm feeling ok with where I am at and it feels like baby girl is getting bigger by the day.

Maternity Clothes - Yes, this belly is really out there and even some of my tops are starting to get too tight. And then that strange thing happens when your shirt covers your belly but doesn't really go far enough down and kinda sticks out.. yea we are there. I am really trying to keep myself from buying new clothes... I think I can make it!

Sleep - You were really hoping I was going to say its been great weren't you ?? Yea so was I.. but it's much of the same as in the past. I am trying to get to bed a little earlier so that I can try and get some more sleep. Since we are living with family the twins being in our room has made things a little difficult. I get up a lot during the night because .... well it's pretty much crazy why I get up for them. So I am working on letting them "fuss" without mama coming to the rescue.

Miss anything? Sushi for sure and I am usually not much of a "drinker" but whenever my husband drinks a beer it looks very good for some reason... maybe lack of sleep. Regarding the sushi I think I will request it after baby girl joins us.

Cravings - Passion Fruit Green Tea from Panera is amazing ... I love their green tea in general but this new twist is so refreshing and tastes amazing and then when you pair it with a cheese danish my cravings dreams have come true. Starbucks and Panera are both a big treat so I try to keep them as "rewards" for...well you know... surviving on 3 hours of sleep!

Symptoms - Did someone mention braxton hicks??? Oh that was me.... I'm not surprised, they are coming more frequently now and sometimes include lower back pain. Nothing too concerning at this point but I do know they are a sign that it is time to slow down. Some round ligament pain has returned and of course when I least expect it. My body is just tired in general but I know it's part of the process so I am just listening to my body... like I should have done with the twins. My unscheduled visit to the doctor this week was a result of some major skin itching on my belly, chest, and neck. No rash or sign of a reason why, I've been doing things to try and alleviate the itching but nothing seems to be working. The doctor doesn't seem too concerned but is running some blood  just to be sure.

Looking forward to- Nesting! And hopefully soon I will be able to get in the grove of officially getting ready for baby girl. We will find out tomorrow if we are "officially" approved to rent a house! Next appointment is a week away and it is glucose test time and then appointments every two weeks hopefully an ultrasound will be coming up as well!

Is it me or does my belly look bigger when it's taken via selfie???

Hair done, contacts, and makeup... must have been a special day/night (it was New Years Eve!)! 

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