Friday, January 22, 2016

Twenty Nine Week

How Far Along - 
29 weeks ... Definitely the Third Trimester!

Total Weight Gain - 20 pounds - Why do I feel like this is a lot? I am convinced I have a huge baby growing right now. Even though I have asked the doctor every visit if I am "ok" with my weight and he says "yes" every single time AND my belly is measuring exactly where it should be I still feel like I am huge. I am probably having twin pregnancy flash backs... where everything just keeps getting bigger and there is no stopping it! As long as the Doctor doesn't yell at me I'll take that as I am doing ok!

Maternity Clothes - Yes, A 20 pound weight gain calls for larger or more forgiving clothes no matter who you are! Some of my favs still fit but are starting to get a bit tight around this belly but I am confident I can make them last for a bit longer. Thankfully our "winter" has been very mild (until the last few days of course) so I have been able to continue wearing everything I purchased in the summer and fall. On chillier days I just throw a sweater over my favorite t-shirt or tank top.

Sleep - As much as I think I should just remove this section because my status never changes I will still provide an update because hey it's part of pregnancy right? I am really trying to get some sleep... really. But as much as I want to sleep and I am sure baby girl would love for me to sleep it just doesn't happen all that well. Don't get me wrong I do sleep it's just very random and uncomfortable. There is no consistency in my sleep, sometimes I find myself dreading the night time because I know I won't be comfortable and sleep will be hit or miss. Now I know this is very poor me and complaining but let's be real not all of pregnancy is rainbows and butterflies and this just happen to be a rough area for me. Nevertheless we will make it through and I will take sleep wherever or however I can get it.

Miss anything? I mentioned a few weeks back it was getting harder for me to carry the twins. Even though it was getting difficult I still did it because they are technically still my babies and I love to pick them up and carry them. Well I think the time has officially come when I really can't carry them or pick them up at least and especially not both of them at the same time. The belly stretch is real and I feel like I am pulling muscles every time I pick one of them up. I appreciate they understand that mamas belly is big and they know it hurts mama to carry them. I imagine I will continue to try and pick them up or carry them until little sister is here....yes, I am that stubborn... just ask my husband.

Cravings - I could say any thing I am craving pretty much changes from day to day. It's mostly spur of the moment type things.. yes, still starbucks or panera teas are pretty much a daily thing. But mostly, it's whatever looks or sounds good at the moment. Usually some sort of chocolate is involved...

Symptoms - Braxton hicks pretty much all throughout the day and some "real" contractions (a few here and there) are here to stay. At my 28 week appointment my doctor did check me out and said I am not at all dilated so that is good news. I try to really monitor and keep track of these contractions because I did go into preterm labor with the twins at 32 weeks and ended up having them at 35 weeks. Luckily I have been able to start seeing the doctor that delivered the twins so he is understanding of my "symptoms" and doesn't make me feel like a crazy lady.

Looking forward to- In two weeks we will be in our own place and I can finally start getting reading for baby girl. I am looking forward to having the kids back in their own space and the hubby and myself in our own space. Hopefully, we will be throwing some family/maternity photos in there sometime soon.

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