Friday, October 2, 2015

You'll have to stay with the Dog!

Our new warning mostly for Olivia when we are trying to leave the house and she won't do what she needs to do so that we can leave! Getting out of the house with Twins or more is not an easy task especially when they are little and you need to make sure they are fed, diapers changes, diaper bag packed, stroller, and on and on.

Now that they are older it is somewhat easier to get out of the house but wait.... potty training! Oh the joy; and now the thought can we make it to where we need to go and back with no accidents? All drama aside the girls are doing well with potty training and we can do the things we need to do out of the house with no accidents (ok sometimes there is one or two). But in order for this to happen the potty must be used before we leave the house! Charlotte does a great job, gets her shoes on and uses the potty with only me asking once maybe twice. Olivia this girl she will avoid sitting on the potty at all cost. I can often be heard saying things like "I guess you have to stay home" "Ok, Charlotte sissy doesn't want to go" and my favorite "Guess You'll have to stay with the dog". Sometimes these phrases work but let's be real... she doesn't even care! Sometimes I have to ask her if she wants "candy" and maybe she will sit on the potty. But this girl is only going to do what she wants to do.

In all fairness to Olivia she has done amazing even when she doesn't go potty before we leave the house. I try really hard to get her to at least sit on the potty I feel confident that if she has to go she will... she usually doesn't! As parents we have a lot on our plates and we are fighting battles more often than we care to remember. In order to save our sanity we sometimes have to decide which battles are worth fighting... this is one I have decided may be time to stop fighting (if I ever want to leave the house anyway!)

Ahh the joys of twin toddlers :)

Let's celebrate with ice cream! 

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