Thursday, October 8, 2015

It's A..... WHAT???

In case you missed it we are adding baby GIRL number FIVE to our family! Whoa... mind blown I know right? Ok so it's not too crazy to imagine that we might have another girl.. I mean we have successfully created 4 girls and 2 of them at once... just to prove we could do it!

All joking aside we are thrilled to be adding this little one to our family boy or girl it doesn't much matter which gender we end up with. We had grand plans to go the gender reveal route even surprising my husband and myself. After our 12 week appointment we knew we would get a phone call with our panorama results which would include the gender. Part of me was relieved to know that we would know the gender soon but I also wanted to be surprised! We decided getting the phone call was going to be surprise enough so we would go ahead and "reveal" the gender to the rest of our family. When the office called on Wednesday (one day earlier than expected) we were on pins and needles listening to the doctor on the phone waiting for her to tell us the gender. When she told us (the most important stuff) the testing was negative for any genetic abnormalities (and we were very relieved) she said "ok see you at the next appointment" My heart nearly dropped thinking they didn't test for the gender! I asked her if they had the gender results and she said "Oh yea do you want me to tell you over the phone?" YES!!! Hello YES!!! When she said it's a girl I didn't know what to do, I was in genuine shock! I only say I as shocked because I really thought and was convinced it was a boy! I was pretty much laughing the entire rest of the day I just couldn't believe it...but then I put my hand on my belly and I said to myself ... baby girl and the tears just flowed. I couldn't believe it, we were being blessed with another amazing wonderful daughter and at that moment I knew God had bigger plans for our family than I could have ever imagined.

Surprising the kids and our family was a lot of fun.. the girls of course were routing for a boy.. I think my mom and sister were too... ok... I think we all were... just to mix things up a bit :) When it was time to open the box the anticipation was high for everyone.. Kendal, Madison, Olivia, and Charlotte did a wonderful job exposing those pink balloons. I think everyone was just as shocked as we were...we had a few questions of if there were some blue balloons hidden in the bottom of the box... nope just pink.

Through all the shock and surprise everyone was happy and excited to be adding another little girl to our family. With four daughters we often hear things like... "oh poor Curt" or "oh just wait" "better start saving money for prom/wedding now" and a few others. While these are of course other peoples opinions and thoughts it does make us wonder what is so bad/wrong with having a family full of girls? Do families full of boys not have to save money for things... do those parents have to "just wait"? Ok, I am being a bit sarcastic here to prove a point it doesn't matter if you have one child or ten. It doesn't matter if you have all girls or all boys or a mix of both. What matters is the love we have to offer and our ability to be the best parents we can be with the children God has trusted us with. We feel pretty proud of the fact that we have been trusted to raise these FIVE daughters and we can't wait to welcome our new princess into the family... She is already more blessed and loved than she will ever know.

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