Saturday, October 3, 2015

13 W E E K S!

If you go by a few baby apps and certain websites we are in the 2nd trimester :) I choose to believe those  few apps and those websites.... so yay Welcome to the 2nd Trimester!

How Far Along - 13 weeks

Total Weight Gain - 2 pound - Yesterday my husband told me that one of his coworkers was shocked by how "pregnant" I looked. I am not exactly sure what this means for me and they rest of my pregnancy but I have a feeling it won't be the last time someone is "shocked"

Maternity Clothes - Sometimes.. is that an answer? If I am not in my yoga pants then yes, its got to be maternity clothes or a maxi skirt.

Sleep - The last two nights sleep has been amazing, when I wake up I realize I didn't get up at all to empty the bladder! And I feel as though I am sleeping more soundly.. let's hope this continues for a while. I am still pretty tired in the eveningI think it's largely because the day has finally caught up to me.

Miss anything?  - Still Sushi! Yesterday at the grocery store I had to look away and walk quickly when I passed the sushi!

Cravings - Still subs and sugary sweets! Normally I am a chocolate lover but this pregnancy has me feeling sick anytime I try to eat some chocolate (Boo). BBQ and it can't be homemade BBQ I want BBQ from our local restaurant... I can pretty much taste it as I type.

Symptoms - I am still pretty tired at points though out the day but I am not sure if it is completely pregnancy related or just the fact that I am chasing two (2) year olds around all day. Some indigestion and nausea at night.

Looking forward to- Hopefully we will know the gender in the next week or so. At our last prenatal appointment we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat and let me tell you that was a great sound to hear after 6 weeks!! We had the panorama test (a blood test that screens for genetic abnormalities and yes gender) done and should know the results and gender soon!

And here is the 12 week photo just for good measure :)

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