Saturday, October 17, 2015

15 Weeks!

How Far Along - 15 weeks

Total Weight Gain - 3 pounds - Some days I feel and look "maybe" more than 15 weeks pregnant and other days I am not sure if I think I look pregnant or just... well the alternative "I've put on a few pounds" ugh why are we so hard on ourselves?

Maternity Clothes - Still pretty much in comfy cloths at home (yoga pants all day every day) I do have to wear maternity tops as my usual shirts are just too "short". Anything other than yoga pants requires some sort of "give" in the waist area.

Sleep - So remember back at 13 weeks when I said I was sleeping well... yea that only last about 3 days and I am back to getting up several times a night and finding it hard to get comfortable. I realize I am "only" 15 weeks but let me tell you the older you are when you are pregnant the more your body DOESN'T like you! I am hoping I can start to get more rest at night soon.. thinking this is just a "phase" that ends quickly.

Miss anything?  - Sleep?? AND yes still sushi... I love instagram but wow does it seem like there are a lot of posts with photos of sushi in them lately!!

Cravings - I am pretty sure I will always type Subs in the section I don't know what it is about them but I just can't get enough. I was thinking the other day that I am sure I have always loved subs but being pregnant just really makes me want them all day every day. Water... I feel like I can't get enough even though I get pretty sick of it once in a while I still find myself wanting it... ice cold.

Symptoms - The heart burn has set in mostly at night.. hmmm maybe that's why I can't sleep. I've also become pretty dizzy and light headed most days especially if I am playing with the twins and I get up or move too fast.

Looking forward to- We have a Doctor's appointment and Ultrasound on Tuesday! This will be our second Ultrasound (first at  6 weeks) we are checking on the Subchorionic Hematoma discovered during the 6 week ultrasound. I also plan to have them take a peak just to make sure baby is in fact a girl! We are very much looking forward to seeing our little girl and how big she has gotten!

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