Saturday, September 19, 2015

11 Week

How Far Along - 11 weeks
Total Weight Gain - 1 pound - I certainly feel like I've gained more like 10 pounds given the size of my belly. I swear my body believes it needs to make space for twins again!
Maternity Clothes - Yes and No. Since I stay home with the girls I generally can be seen in yoga pants or some sort of shorts so those are not maturity. However, most of my regular shirts and tank tops are a little too small, still could be worn but mostly for around the house. If we are going out for dinner or some shopping where I am "required" or would simply like to dress in something other than yoga pants I most definitely have been wearing maternity shorts and tops. Fo the most part its just more comfortable.
Sleep - I can fall asleep pretty easily but do get up around 3-4 times per night to empty the bladder. Getting comfortable has been a challenge mostly because my hips and back hurt pretty regularly. I am tired most of the day especially right after dinner. I am hopeful as we near the end of the first trimester I will have a return of my energy.
Miss anything?  - Sushi would probably be my number one but I only miss it when I see it so thankfully I don't see if very often.
Cravings - Publix and Jimmy Johns subs I am well aware of the "rule" of no lunch meat so I don't need reminded... I am cautious of where I eat subs (i.e.: lunch meat) from and I feel comfortable with my choice :) I am also craving salt and vinegar chips like crazy they are hard to keep in this house because I am apparently not the only one that craves these potato goodies.
Symptoms - Exhaustion and all day nausea are tops. Good days and bad days for sure if I wait to long to eat the nausea is horrible; if I eat too much nausea, if I take my vitamin at the wrong time nausea.. you get the picture.
Looking forward to- Our second prenatal visit! Our first was at 6 weeks and I will be nearly 12 weeks at this upcoming appointment. I am not sure if there will be an ultrasound or not but fingers crossed there will be!

I hope you enjoy these little updates! Special shout out to of my favorite blogging mamas Amber Massey (Three Ladies & Their for always providing awesome pregnancy updates so I could use her format :)

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