Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Toddler Talk

A whole month older already? The older they get the faster time goes and the more changes happening each day. We still call them "the babies" and I feel so strange doing so... seeing as we have another "baby" on the way and they are far from babies. But if you ask my husband they will always be the babies :)

There are so many fun changes that happen during this age. I thought it was time to forego the "Monthly updates" now that the babi.....uh girls are T W O! Let's talk about what is happening in their toddler world.

Speak:  They love to repeat anything we say even the stuff we don't really want them to repeat! There are times we ask them questions and the respond using more thank one word and we are quite shocked making them repeat what they just said is our favorite thing to do! Little toddler voices saying new words over and over again is pretty much the cutest thing ever. They do seem to have their own language and we catch them sitting and "talking" to each other all the time. The respond to each other and shake their heads as if they know exactly what is being said.We can never really figure out what they are saying but man is it fun to watch.

Play: We love to play all day every day. Puzzles are our current favorite especially for Olivia the first thing she goes for is her puzzles and she is becoming pretty good at them. This is also one of the times the two of them will sit and "talk" to each other. I recently let time use paint and they had a blast always wanting more and most importantly PINK! They love to color, play with their babies, and their "Tato" heads. They do love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (still) and it seems they are picking up the educational side of it as well. They love to be outside going for walks or running around playing with their ball.

Foods: They will mostly eat anything we put in front of them. Sometimes they decide they aren't going to eat was I've given them for dinner or lunch and we don't get too worried about it as they mostly snack on fruit and crackers during the day. Their favorites are mac n cheese, fruit, popsicles, cereal, and eggs.

Sleep: These two have for the most part been exceptional sleepers. The hard times come when teething or sickness hits. Every once in a while they will try to test the limits on how many times "mama" will come into the room. After a few nights of correction they go back to sleeping well. Naps are pretty good as well but there seems to be more variance when it comes to how long they will sleep or how long it takes them to get to sleep. There is typically a lot of playing going on at nap time and we have been working on not using diapers at nap as well. They for sure feed off of each other in this aspect.

News: Charlotte had surgery last week and she did really well. She had a small bump on her chest that we thought was from a Tic that was attached to her last winter. I had pulled it off and didn't think anything of it. A few weeks later we noticed the area was red and a bit swollen, but then it went away. At her two year check up we had the Doctor take a look and she suggested we see a surgeon just to be safe. After a quick visit he decided it was best to remove it in case part of the tic was still under the skin. I was hesitant and didn't really want her to have to go thorough anesthesia and the recovery after. After speaking with my husband and family we decided it was the best thing to prevent further issues. Like I said she did great and we are super proud of her.

These girls continue to change and surprise us everyday. They are aware there is a baby in mamas belly and I know they are going to be amazing big sisters! These little people are such a huge blessing in our lives and they remind us of this every single day. We love you girls!

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