Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Seventeen Months!

The month I had to count in my head to make sure they were actually  s e v e n t e e n  months!! At least they are still closer to one than to two... that gives me a little piece of mind! A huge month of changes and milestones mostly in the form of new words, usage of the potty, new teeth, AND personalties over load.

Olivia ~
Still the observer and onlooker most of the time; Olivia has a mind of her own and is very good at getting what she wants. She is very much a daddy's girl and loves to sit and watch soccer with him. She is the first one to run to him when he comes home from work looking up at him until he picks her up. Her baby and her shopping cart are her favorite toys, the first thing she does in the morning is dump her shopping cart and push all around the house. We have many shopping cart races between the two girls several times per day. Her favorite foods are cheese, cheese, and cheese... did I mention cheese?? This girl (and her sister) are going to turn into a cheese stick at some point in the next month I am sure of it! She also loves strawberries (Thank goodness it's coming up on strawberry season here!), grapes, yogurt, raisins, and chocolate chips.  We also let her feed herself yogurt for the first time! It was a lot of fun to watch and she did pretty well- but it was bath time afterwards for sure

This month Olivia used the potty for the first time. She has some trouble poo-ing so we tried to put her on the potty to see if that would help and sure enough it worked! She just stared into the potty with a confused look on her face. The next day we bought a potty for them and the first time she sat down she peed! We danced and sang and she got some yummy candy. She has gone a few times since then. We aren't really pushing the potty usage at this time - but we do set them both on the potty each time they get a diaper change. She has gone several times since then! We are so super proud of her!!! The cuteness that seeps from this little one is sometimes too much to handle. Her smile and her giggle can bring the house down. She says many new words most we don't really understand but some we can "kind of" tell what she is saying.. Mahhh... for Maddy, Gigetget...for Bridget, Ceeeeese...for Cheese, Rah... for Rocky and a few others. Sometimes she will say words clear as day and out of the complete blue then not say them again for a while. 

We love this girl so very much and watching her grow brings new meaning to being parents. Hugs and kisses sweet baby girl.

Charlotte- If you need a laugh this girl will make sure you get it. Just ask her to smile or dance or give you a hug and she's right there to do it. Now ask her to pick up toys or sit down in her high chair or anything she doesn't want to do and she will politely decline your request. She will give kisses and hugs and high fives. She will also steal paci's, smack your head, or give you a friendly shove so that you will "get your butt moving". This girl is the sweetest little one you could ever want and she's also a little devil when she wants something. I love her desire and drive to get the things she wants and willingness to do what ever it takes. She loves to eat and can usually be found trying to open the fridge to get some of that cheese! She loves raisins, dry cereal, fruit, and oatmeal. She also loves anything you are eating so be sure to guard your plate. She is the protector of her sister and will always make sure she is holding hands while walking outside. If she or someone else is hurt she is the first to rub your back and lay her head on you. 

She has used the potty once since we bought it last week. She is more interested in doing the "pee pee" dance while sitting on it than actually going. Again I am not too worried at this point about their use of the potty. She can usually be heard speaking her 17 month old language that sounds a lot like screams and grunts and maybe some la-la's thrown in there. But when she does use words we can understand its pretty darn cute. She loves to say - sissy and if she can't find any one of her "sissy's" she is roaming the house saying sissy while she looks. She also loves to say - cheese, daddy, circle, yellow, blue, and hi. There is not a word she will not try to say if you ask her. I think she almost always says what I am asking her to say...but Daddy would disagree. 

Charlotte your smiles go on for days and we love your spunk and personality. We love you so very much little one. 

Life with twins is always busy and sometimes crazy but never short on happiness, giggles, smiles, and love. It brings me to tears sometimes watching them together. I can only imagine what the next months will have in store. Happy 17 Months to the best most adorable little twins!

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