Monday, January 12, 2015

One Week Down - 4 days to go

Well, we made it a whole week without daddy! I kind of feel like I was brought right back to all the times of traveling in the past. But this time felt different, never mind the fact that there are two more little ones added to the mix; but I am also few (ok several) years older. I guess being older does in some ways make you wiser and all of those past experiences do help to make difficult times just a little easier.
I have to say the days kind of blurred together a bit and some days felt like I was in pure survival mode. Tuesday started with a  visit to the orthopedic doctor where I was told I needed to start Physical Therapy again and I had to wear a knee brace for the next 4 weeks. Fantastic - so all that sitting on the floor to change diapers and play and read books and more can no longer happen... Great! Wednesday and Thursday were full of homework, projects, and face time with daddy, not to mention the snotty noses and coughing. Friday we decided it was time to visit the doctor with the twins, one double ear infection, one sinus infection, and one upper respiratory infection later I knew it was the right choice to take them in. So now we have breathing treatments and medication added to the mix of mommy only duty.
Friday the twins went to stay the night with their Aunt Bridget and Uncle Ryan. Why is it so hard to let them go?? All week I was preparing myself for them to go its so strange- its not like  I was worried or anything but it just doesn't feel right not to have them with me! However, it was a much needed break and allowed for some alone time with Kendal and Madison. Subway for dinner and a few movies from redbox with candy and popcorn to round out our movie night. Did I mention Kendal  and I had our own little dance party to some 1D... apparently I need to learn how to flip my hair all over the place to keep up with her. It was a great night and a fun time with the two girls that started this whole mommy thing.

Even though the days seemed to run together and survival mode kicked in at times, I wouldn't trade those days for anything. The tough days allow me to grow as a mother, wife, and woman.

We can't wait for daddy to be home on Friday!

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