Saturday, September 20, 2014

13 Months

I can hardly believe it! There have been so many changes during the last month, it seemed like everyday there was something new. I am pretty sure every other word out of our mouths was something like this... OMG did you see that...Guess what the babies just did...OMG I can't believe they can do that!! Our house was full of laughs, slobbery kisses, lots of hugs, and thankfully not much crying!

Olivia~ This girl's finest skill is relaxing - I am pretty sure if you googled relaxing you would get a picture of Olivia. She can randomly be found laying on the floor with her hands behind her head or taking frequent rest breaks while walking across the floor. Or if she's feeling the need to get into the relaxing mode you can catch her in the downward dog yoga pose. Livy is a great sleeper which makes me extremely happy because I was worried about the state of her sleeping when she was much younger. Very rarely do we have an issue with her going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking before 8am.... again with the relaxing.

She started walking on the 26th and she was so proud of herself always stopping to make sure someone was watching her. She got her fifth tooth on the 20th and is holding steading at 5 teeth. We've also become a lot more independent not wanting mommy to help feed her. She may be ok for a few minutes having someone feed her but eventually she will start screaming and turning her head until she gets to do it herself with the spoon or fork. She doesn't like to be smothered especially by her big sisters... even Charlotte... if she's going to cuddle its going to be her that leads the way. However, there is no shortage of love that comes out of this mini.

She loves to eat anything that she can of course feed herself but has taken a huge liking to grapes and bananas. Her new (kind-of) words are baaaa (ball), bana (banana), hi, bea (bella). I just love hearing her try to say words or simply make new screaming when she is walking around! I think she just wants to make her presence known!! She loves the phone and holds it to her ear as if she is talking - and will say 'hi" when she sees someone put the phone to their ear.

 This girl's smile warms me every single day the way she jumps up in down in her crib when you walk into the room, the way she kisses by licking you- she is such a joy and we can't wait to watch her continue to grow even more!
We love you Livy Grace

Charlotte ~ This girl is some kind of crazy and calm all wrapped into one. And I just love this about her you never know what you are going to get but she brings out the one you need right when you need it. She makes us laugh with her adorable dancing that is different every single time no matter how hard you try to make her do the same moves over and over again. She will fall down and think its funny every single time ( unless she is tired of course). 

She loves to walk and loves to be outside. No matter what please do not open the door and wait any longer than ONE second because she will fall to her knees crying that she can't go outside. She is such a lover always trying to give kisses- if she sees mommy and daddy giving kisses she is right there waiting in line for her turn. 

She has also become quiet the attention hog when it comes to mommy and daddy but that is to be expected at this age, it is pretty darn cute the way she pushes her way in between which ever sibling happens to be closest to mommy or daddy. She is still a bit of a bully when it comes to Olivia taking her toys or cups is the standard. She also was put in timeout for the first time this month! She loves to stand in her highchair (yes she can get out of the buckle) and as I said loves to take things from her sister..

She is great at walking and sometimes gets into a little bit of a jog when she is being chased by big sister Kendal. Charlotte got her third tooth on the 22nd and is just waiting on number 4.. wherever it may be. Also, the eater she will eat anything and also loves grapes and bananas.. and please don't forget the milk! Charlotte's new (kind-of) words this month are - baaaa (ball), Hi (this is by far the cutest because she will come up to you and say hi, bana (banana), beeaaa (bella). Seriously how are baby words so cute?! 

This little ones love is so heart warming you just can't get enough of it. We love playing and interacting with her to see what she will do next... and we can't wait to see what "next" is for Miss. Personality. 

We love you Charlie Ann.

 First time in timeout

Still at 13 months I can't believe we have twins I am sure I feel this way for rest of my life. The joy they have brought us is just so amazing. I love to watch them interact with each other and their big sisters. This blessing is more than I could have ever asked for. Hearing these two giggle in the back of the car or hiding out in their bedroom is a sound that would make any ones bad day turn happy. 

We love you girls so very much ~ 

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