Friday, October 3, 2014

My Favorite Time of Day (one of them)

Do you have a favorite time of day? The time of day where everything falls into place? The day seems perfect and peaceful? You may even feel perfect like you can do anything? Ok well maybe its not "that" perfect, but nevertheless its pretty darn good.

For me its right before the twins morning nap. They get a cozy on the couch and get to watch what ever happens to be on Disney JR. at the time. They sit with each other-nicely, the share their sippy cups without trying to take the other one out, they may even give up a kiss or two to the other one. There's no stealing of paci's (ok most of the time), no fighting over toys... just pure twin sister love.  Now let's be real this moment of twin sister love usually only lasts about 10 minutes before they are standing on the couch, trying to climb over each other, or yes... stealing each others paci's (Charlotte).  Before long they are off the couch playing with the toys all over the floor. And I am left with the sweet memory of those little cuties cuddled up on the couch.

Every day it happens the same way and I look forward to this moment of quiet cuteness after the chaos of getting everyone around in the morning... breakfast and getting the big kids out the door making sure they have their homework and lunch.

Of course I have many other favorite moments throughout the day... actual nap time being one of them :) When my husband gets home from work and the twins "run" to him at the door, my heart melts every time. Or when Kendal and Madison come home from school full of excitement to share their day. And when the twins wake up from their afternoon nap and see their sisters and a full on play party commences. And then there's right before bedtime when the girls are super cuddly and will snuggle up to anyone and everything.

I love all of these moments so I guess you could say I have a lot of favorite times of the day which leads me to this...everyday life can consume us make us miss the small things that make life worth living. I have been guilty of this so many times I can't even count and when I miss the small "favorite" times of day I let all the chaos shape my mood, my responses, and sometimes my happiness. I write this post to help me remember the small favorite times that often go overlooked and to also remember that chaos is part of everyday life but so are those quite happy cuddles on the couch and those win out every single time.

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