Friday, July 25, 2014

No More Bottles ='s No More Babies??

Well the twins are turning 1 in 24 days... {yes} I am counting down... I want to make my life that much more crazy by ticking off the days until my "babies" are ONE! So the past few days my husband and I have been in a debate focusing on this:


I have been giving the girls sippy cups since around 6 months and they have been doing great with them. Over the past months I have been slowing phasing out their bottles and recently they have just been having one in the morning and one in the evening. Most of the time I will give them the sippy cup first and if they would fuss I would offer the bottle. Almost always they were fine with the sippy cup. So the last month they have only been having one bottle in the morning when they wake up between 4am and 6am!! I mostly gave it to them so the would go back to sleep and I could get a few more hours!! With their Birthday nearing {and my severe "over it" attitude to washing bottles... Dr. Brown bottles at that} I thought I would try to go with out giving them the "bottle" in the morning and replace with the sippy cup ~ so mama could still get those extra hour(s) of sleep! The first day they didn't even wake up until 8!!!! WOO HOOO!!! so that night I reminded everyone in my family this very important thing.... 

"The babies haven't had bottles in 36 hours DO NOT give them one" 

This statement was directed mostly towards my husband who feels "If my babies don't get bottles then they aren't babies any more" Sniff Sniff... Ok so I really am sad that they don't have bottles any more (we are going on day 4 of no bottle).. because I do know that it means so many more milestones are right around the corner. But is he right? Am I taking away their last month or so of being babies? Am I forcing them to become "toddlers" too soon? I am sure there are a lot of different thoughts regarding this topic and I a sure all of them are right. But for me- they are going to grow, and they are going to turn ONE {Against my wishes}, and then TWO and so on... so I am ok {as ok as I can be} with them not using the bottle. Maybe its because I don't have to wash 49 bottle parts 20 times a day any longer or maybe its just me learning to accept that my babies are soon to be toddlers.

So good-bye bottles AND Formula (YAY For that one!!) Hello sippy cups and my big girls I can't wait to see what toddler-dome brings! 

Oh and 23 more days until the BIG ONE! 

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