Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lessons Learned

Warning...full confession about to happen on my dependence, addiction, obsessions... or whatever new word there is today on social media. That's right I said it and I meant it- I am addicted to social media. It used to be Facebook I was on there all the time checking status' updating mine adding photos ect. then Instagram and this is my new love- I don't know what it is about this particular social media outlet but it just gets me and I get it. Especially after the twins came, I found instagram or IG was a great place for me to find advice on being a parent of twins. I have gained some amazing friendships over the last 11 months.

I must also admit that I am an avid texter if you want to talk to me it would be best if you texted me and NOT called me. It's not that I don't want to hear your friendly voice or chat with you for however long its just that I find with 2 nearly one year olds and 2 active older girls texting gets it done and if I have a baby that is having a melt down I don't have to say "hold on a minute" I can simply text you when its over with. And sometimes we just have to go with whatever works at the moment. I even prefer to text my husband most of the time vs. call him on the phone while he is at work.

Now for the title of this post...

Lessons learned: the last 16 days have been pretty stressful for the family with a lot of decisions needing to be made in a short period of time. Are we handling them absolutely, has it been difficult, without a doubt. But a funny thing happened the past 16 days, I haven't picked up my phone during the day to check Facebook or Instagram instead I have been on the phone (with it to my ear) more than I think I have been on the phone in the past year. One of the days my husband and I talked on the phone no less than 15 times (he was out of town). I've talked on the phone to friends I don't normally call and the sound of their voices when they see my name/hear my voice has made me realize I miss that and I need that connection. If it wasn't for these friends and some family I've had to reach out to our decisions would likely be more stressful and the support would some how seem expected. But talking with these individuals on the phone have made me realize just how genuine our friendships and family connections are.  And while they may like my Facebook photo or status update or comment on the latest photo of my girls there is nothing that can replace the voice of a friend or family member telling you how much they truly care and that they will be there for you no matter what.

With Love ~ Kristy

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