Monday, June 30, 2014

Photo Shoot and (more) Sickness

Maybe some day soon my children will decide not to be sick every single week! Ok so I know its not their fault they come in contact with nasty viruses and we can try to do everything possible to stop the spread of them but some times just some times it doesn't work. But lets rewind about 12 hours before the latest virus takes over Charlotte (well technically it was already there... ).

The Big Birthday Party is just over 8 weeks away which means the actual Birthday is even closer!! So it was time to snap some photos for the Birthday invitations. I knew I wanted a white chair for the photos mostly because I thought it would be the only way the girls would sit still or they would stand and bang on the chair... at a minimum I would get them being still for a few seconds. I searched every thrift store in our area and was unable to find a chair I was happy with- so I took one of our old kitchen chairs, had my husband shorten the legs, and remove two of the back rungs.. you know to give it an "old" look; I then painted it white. During the week before our session I worked on a few craft projects for the Birthday Party. Their super cute outfits were already picked out and ready to go and I decided at the last minute to add the tutus to the mix! We opted for early morning for the photos to help keep them cool. So Saturday morning rolled around and we packed the babies and all of our props in the van and headed to a nice spot I found in my neighborhood. And just as I thought they were so interested in the chair I couldn't even get the first photo of them sitting on the blanket so insert chair and I am so happy we had it because I love the result.

An important note- we kept trying to get Olivia to smile (Charlotte too) but she just wouldn't or she would only give a half smile. Trying to get two ten month olds to look at you at the same time and smile is not an easy task. Looking through the photos I realized just how much I loved them (even with the lack of smiles and not looking at the camera as the same time)- each one made me see their individual personalities. It also made me realize that "perfect" isn't always what we think it should be.

By the time we finished with the adorable skirts from Lovey Lake (Etsy shop here) and bows from Shelby Chic Boutique (here). It was starting to get warm(er) outside and I could tell the girls were about done. They don't last long during photo sessions regardless but being outside and the temperature rising didn't help! So into the TuTus we go... 

Gorgeous Bows from 5heartstrings  (instagram shop)

Insert (more) sickness here- Charlotte starts to get upset and starts to feel warm... please don't be sick again, please don't be sick again... well I tried. We captured a few more photos and packed the girls back into the car and headed for home...

Bows by 5heartstrings (instagram shop)

The whole rest of the day Charlotte was fussy with a fever and drooling like crazy. She wouldn't eat or drink or even take her paci. So I attributed all of to teething (she still has no teeth) and sore gums. She was up all night sleeping only in 20 - 30 minute spurts and this mama was tired. She also started crying every time she would swallow. As the morning came we noticed she had yet another rash starting on her back. I thought for sure she had strep so a call to the doctor was made, she didn't think it would be strep because of her age and we made an appointment for Monday. Meanwhile the rash continued to move over the rest of her body and spots began showing on her hands and feet and a few on her face. She started eating and drinking a little at a time and her fever was gone. 

Today we headed to the doctor and she looked her over and is fairly certain she has HFMD (Hand foot mouth disease) or virus similar to the one causing cold sores. She said it was too hard to tell for sure because the virus usually creates sores in the throat and she didn't have many and the all over rash is not as common with HFMD. Either way she is okay and her rash should clear up by the weekend. And I pray pray pray that my babies can be sick free!

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