Friday, June 13, 2014


Sitting on my couch the other day I asked my sister in-law this very important question "is next week really the 18th?" When she said yes I think I had a mini meltdown. I couldn't believe and quite honestly I still can't that my girls are going to be 10 months in a few days!! How on earth did that happen?? I proceeded to pick up one of my girls... yes "one" because well its pretty hard to pick them both up at the same time these days... and I hugged her so hard and told her to stop... stop it right now... I did not say they could grow up so fast, I did not give them permission to be "almost" one year olds... seriously I question their loyalty to me as their mom..

I was talking with my husband and I told him that I couldn't believe how fast this month went.. of course he was like its only June 13th what are you talking about?? That's when I realized; I measure my months from the 18th to the 18th.  I don' know if this is a good thing or bad??? Does it make my "months" fly by or does it make the twins "age" that much faster?? 

Weren't they just this small yesterday!!! 

Look how itty bitty they were!!

So about that baby number 5... do we all have our babies get to a certain age and we start to have this internal dialogue about when is the right time? Clearly we all aren't going for baby number 5, number  2 or even more (and thats ok) but for me its baby number 5... Have I discussed this thought with others (namely my husband) yes, yes, I have and most think we are crazy so I am preparing myself for comments I don't necessary want or even ask for- I think to myself... just wait until you are pregnant at the store with a 10 year old, 8 year old and two toddlers... Yea, I can't wait for those comments I'm preparing myself for my witty replies now. Like maybe I'll say "I'm selling one to make room for the next", or "this time its triplets" (insert jinx here), or "I have 4 more at home" and to the ever popular "you've got your hands full" I think I will say "no not really... they are perfect angels and I'd take 10 more if I could". The decision as yet to be made "officially" if number 5 will begin production in the next 6-8 months but either way I'm going to love on my girls (all of them) every single second I can because it really does just go way to fast and I wouldn't replace my "months" for anything-- no matter what day they begin and end. 

Before you ask .. no they aren't all mine :) two nieces and one nephew

Again not all mine :)

1 comment:

  1. Big families are such a blessing. Just keep lovin' on those kiddos and enjoying your time with them.


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