Wednesday, June 18, 2014

10 Months of Charlotte & Olivia

So she was right... the 18th is this week... in fact it's today and I couldn't be more proud of all of the milestones and accompaniments the girls had during the last month. Its crazy how much they changed in those short 30 days (or is it 31?... either way it was too fast).  This was the month of sickness for both of the girls starting with Olivia and finishing with Charlotte and she got the worst of it. 


 She is becoming a lot like her big sister Madison with her smiles, noses and actions. BUT she is still very much her own little person her personality shows everyday. She is still very much an observer of what is going o around her... except when she is near mommy and daddy she is constantly crawling and climbing all over both of us. And when she sees her daddy come home from work that little butt just starts bouncing on the floor with her arms held high and a big smile for daddy to pick her up. She's also taken to flopping from one of us to the other when we put her in the bed with us- its quite funny and she sure gets a kick out of it. 

The month starting off with a stomach bug for Olivia which I first thought was associated with teething as both her top teeth came through this month. But when her sister started in with the same symptoms I knew it was worse. For about 5 days poor Olivia was feeling crappy from her teeth and the stomach bug and the fantastic diaper rash that came along with it all. She was super clingy and didn't want anyone but mama and I had to be holding her no matter what i was doing. I loved the extra cuddles of course but it left no hands for poor Charlotte. Luckily when Charlotte started in with the stomach bug Olivia was on the mend and her first upper tooth had come thorough and she became a lot less clingy. 

She has learned how to stand on her own with out needing assistance to pull her up. She even took a few steps with her walker. She has become a speed crawler all over the place it is just the cutest thing to watch. When she is on the tile she will bear crawl with her butt up in the air walking her feet and hands on the floor. 

You love music when you hear it you look around to see who is singing and get the biggest smile on your face and then that little butt starts to bounce on the floor. You've caught on to the "so big" game and it is just adorable. You've also started waving "hi" and will mimic many sounds your favorite being the tongue sticking out raspberries. Your little crinkled up nose is one of your favorite games to play with anyone willing to do it with you. 

You've been sleeping through the night off and on (story of my life) but getting to more so on... and I hope we can keep that going. You love to eat and I am pretty sure you hit a growth spurt during the month... you almost overtook your sister in the eating category. Your favorite foods are blueberries, pancakes, oranges, yogurt, oatmeal, and any kind of pasta. You have been taking your formula mostly in a sippy cup with only one-two bottles a day. I think you would probably go without the bottle but mommy is the one not ready to let go. 

Sweet Olivia you really are just as sweet and silly as can be I can't wait to see how you continue to change and grow- we love you little one.


Miss Charlotte and she is a little miss for sure, demanding attention in the most sweetest of ways. She is very much like her big sister Kendal. Loving and always looking for a snuggle, she is the first to lay her head on your chest or shoulder making the one holding her simply melt from her sweetness. Charlotte also enjoys watching what is going on - until she determines if its something she wants to be involved in... which is almost always a yes for this little girl. 

You started out the month on a better note than your sister but that only lasted a week until you came down with the same stomach bug as Olivia. I think we went through diapers just like they were newborns again! But poor Charlotte your stomach bug gave way to a fever lasting 4 days, then that became a rash all over your body for 3 more days and you were lucky enough to then have a UTI... which we are still treating. All of this and she was great through it all- a little fussy and extra cuddly but still your sweet sweet self. 

Poor girl you still have no teeth and I swear we are just going to wake up one morning to two or more teeth. You are also able to stand on your own unassisted and you pretty much do it all the time. Soon you will be taking steps and then we are all in trouble. 

You love to play "how big is" and you even answer for your sister. Waving hi is a new favorite thing and you will mimic anything. Your favorites are the kissing sound, saying ri ri ri (which your uncle Ryan taught you), and making the raspberry noise when you hear your sister do it. You also love music and have a tendency to "dance" when you are standing up (as long as someone is holding you up) and the music starts. Your little legs start moving and you stick your little butt out... can we say adorable! 

Sleeping is pretty good for you- this month has been tough but I am hopeful things will start to get better once you are feeling 100% again (please let that be soon). You also love to eat... still.. and there hasn't been  a food you have refused. Your favorites are pancakes, meatballs, blueberries, bananas, yogurt, any pasta, and peas. Just like your sister you do amazingly well with your sippy cup and could probably go without the bottle... maybe this month I'll have the courage to do it!

Charlotte you are such a sweet heart and I see you staying that way forever- we love you so!

Baby Girls we can't imagine our lives with out you the joy you bring to us is beyond measure and everyday we think about how blessed we are to have you as our daughters. Life works in some pretty unexpected ways sometimes but those unexpected things are sometimes the biggest blessings. 

We love you both so much!!

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