Friday, April 28, 2017

Parker Elaine ~ 13 months

I am only a "little" late with this update for you all but hey... five kids ok!! I know Parker is only 13 months but I swear as these kids get older time seems to be moving so much more quickly and I feel like there is less and less of it.

Already in just one month Parker has changed what seems to be much more than necessary in just a short 30 days. She went from hating to stand to pulling herself up on everything and anything. She's even let go and stood on her own several times! She's cruising along the couch but still refuses to hold onto any of her "walking toys" and walk. She has made so much progress in just the last week we are blown away.

We recently took Parker to the pool for the first time this "season" and while I thought she might be a little scared of the water she proved me wrong. We started her at the small splash pad and she inched her way right over to the water and loved it! We then moved her to the pool and just sat her own the edge and good thing daddy was in the water because she pushed herself right off and into the water! She loves it so much and I am just so proud of her!

Parker still says the same few words but her favorite is by far "MaMa" while she says it ALL.THE.TIME I'm not convinced she is asking for me but more she is trying to show me or anyone for that matter something she wants. She points to what she wants and most of the time says mama.. unless its her cup .. for that she will say "mil" for milk and version of water for water. She's just so cute even if I hear her say mama around 100 times a day. She loves to give hugs especially to her big sisters and has even give them a kiss a few times... but don't you even think about asking her to give you a kiss, because that won't happen.

Of course little Miss loves to eat her favorite foods by far are veggies and fruit, she will always pick veggies over any other food in font of her. She will ask for a banana by name and if she sees food she wants she will point to it and say "more". She has milk in the morning and at night and is officially done with bottles. She is growing up way to fast and each time I put something "baby" away my mama heart breaks a little. I'm learning to deal with it little by little and I know eventually I will have moved passed the "no more baby" phase.

Happy 13th Months baby girl ... and yes you will forever be called our baby girl!

{Recap of the Parker's first Birthday Party "Dream Big" coming soon}

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