Monday, November 21, 2016

Parker Elaine ~ 8 Months

Eight months ... Say what??? Usually the months seem to go so very fast but I am happy to say the past month was an exception. Maybe it was because Parker got to travel to Pennsylvania for the first time to see her Auntie, Uncle, and cousin Paisley. Or maybe it's because my entire house was sick for the past month. Either way month 8 was slow and full of changes for Miss. Parker. This is a really fun age because these little minds are so full of learning and it is so much fun to watch them each day.
Up until recently Parker's favorite noise to make was something relating to a monster you could hear her making these growls and yells and we ate it up. Over the past few weeks she has started making more babbling noises and hearing her little "voice" is just so adorable. I may or may not be working on her saying "mama" over and over! 3 out of 4 of the girls' first word was DaDa and one was BaBa, so mama has to get a win at some point!  (update... she's been saying mama for the past few days now!!)

Parker has started trying out some new solid foods (or table food)... thanks to cousin Paisley. She has tried bananas, green beans, mashed potatoes, and pretty much anything else we think might be ok for her to try. She is more than open to trying new foods and possibly taking food off our our plates and trying to get food from her sisters. And while we are on the topic of sisters, the twins absolutely love to try and give Parker their food... for example seeing Parker in the living room with a cracker in her mouth and Livy proudly telling me "I give Parker cracker".... uhhhh ok.

Parker did so well on her first flight, she pretty much behaved the best I could have asked for. We got lots of smiles and compliments from other passengers and there may have even been a little flirting going on by Miss. Parker. It was so much fun to watch Paisley and Parker together they played and played and maybe even tried to give each other a hug or two. Parker learned a lot from Paisley in the few days we were there... I'm pretty sure that's how she learned to babble instead of always making her monster noises. Paisley taught Parker how to pick up her puffs and put them into her mouth as well as try out some new foods.

Although we haven't been to the doctor since 6 months Parker is definitely a chunk and I'm sure around 21-22 pounds. She is just making the transition into 9-12 month clothes with some 6-9 months still fitting. She is just as full of life as she is chunk... and it's no surprise given how much she loves to eat! Her smile is contagious and her blue eyes sparkle just like her big sisters.

So very close to ONE ~ time just moves so fast ~ We love you so much Parker Elaine.

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