Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Two Years Ago on a Sunday morning 11:03am and 11:04am to be exact we welcomed our two newest daughters into this world. We had no idea what to expect raising twins, we had no idea what life would be like with four daughters, and we had absolutely no idea how much our love and hearts would grow over the next years. What a wonderful two years it has been watching these two little lives grow I can't think of anything I would change.

Olivia ~ From little piggy tails to big girl pony tails, using sign language to communicate to speaking her mind, and loving to be held and cuddled to... well she still loves to be cuddled. This little girl has changed so much but still seems like the same little girl we've watched grow. Every month a new adventure, new changes, and new challenges. Olivia has become quite the toddler getting into trouble and getting into everything. She's very vocal about what she wants and does not want. New words come out of her mouth every day... some I have no idea where she learned them. She loves to watch (as always) her big sisters.. especially Charlotte and mimic what they are doing. She loves puzzles, babies, and any kind of ball. She runs around giggling and making everyone in her path laugh right along with her. Reading back through all of the monthly posts for the past year I see a lot of similarities month over month. It makes me laugh because now I know this is Livy - the observer, outspoken, does her own thing, loves her daddy (mommy is right up there now too :), dancer, and silly girl. She now uses the potty full time and only wears diapers for nap and bed. I still ask her a million times per day if she has to go potty and when she says NO! I know she really doesn't have to. She has been waking up dry from her naps so I am hopeful over the next few weeks we can transition out of diapers during nap. We have very minimal accidents and can go to the store without bringing our at home potty with us! I can't believe how far she has come! I am in awe of this once 4 pound 3 ounce little one she has grown into such a beautiful little girl with such an amazing spirit that makes me know I could never live without her.

We love you so much Olivia Marie Grace- Happy Second Birthday little one!

Charlotte ~ I intended to share about how much this little one has changed since turning one but that is just not the case she is still the silly, crazy, fun loving, adventurous, and outspoken little one we've watched grow over the last 12 months. She speaks so much and we often find her in conversations with Olivia and it just blows my mind each time. She is so independent getting into the refrigerator and pantry to pick out her own snacks. She wants to do anything and everything on her own. She also surprises us with new words everyday. My favorite is when she says "OK" or "K" when we ask her to do something. It amazes me everyday what she is learning and is capable of. Watching her little personality develop and grow brings the biggest smile to my face and makes my heart swell with pride. She is such the helper, taking the dogs out, carrying grocery bags, putting away towels, taking care of dishes, anything we ask her to do she does with her little voice saying "OK". Charlotte is also doing amazing with the potty just like Olivia she only wears diapers at nap and bed. She goes on her own with minimal accidents, it makes me so excited to know what a big girl she is becoming. Her smile and laugh is beyond contagious everyday we find ourselves asking her to say and do new things mostly because we know she will do them and it will be hilarious. This girl took up all the space in my belly, our baby B, and our 4 pound 11 ounce girl came into this world full of life and energy. Each day she lives up to that moment and I also know that I could never live without this fierce little life.

We love Charlotte Ann Faith! Happy Second Birthday!

My Twins ~ Charlotte and Olivia ~ my, how life has changed so very much these past two years. I never knew what life with twins would be like, never dreamed I would ever have twins, but the Lord has much bigger plans for our lives than we could ever dream of. For this I am forever grateful.

We love you so much Charlotte and Olivia! Happy Birthday we can't wait to see what happens next!

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