Friday, December 5, 2014

(Failed) Holiday Photos

So you may remember me posting a photo of Olivia over on IG (klynnphoto) with my camera in her hands explaining why our Holiday Photos (pretty much) didn't happen. It was crazy and I am tempted to say a nightmare but I will be less dramatic. Kendal didn't feel well the day I had planned to take the photos (a nice cool Florida day without a lot of sun), so we pushed the photos to the next day hoping she would feel better. The "next day" (even though Kendal still didn't feel well) we decided to give it a try. I got all the kids dressed, hair done, bags packed, props ready, and we headed out the door only to realize it was HOT and I mean HOT for Fall... nearly 90 degrees and all of the kids had on sweaters!!! I didn't care... we were getting these photos, I had all of these thoughts in my mind of how amazing they were going to be and I couldn't wait to capture them. 

We arrived at a location I haven't photographed at before (no big deal.. it is just a field)  but I thought it would be great as Madison and I had checked it out the day before I and I was "ok" with it. As we pulled in and I started to get the kids out I quickly started to feel like the location wasn't going to work for what I had visioned.... But I was pushing through and was going to make it work. I got all the kids to the "field" and started to string up our "Holiday" ornaments when the kids started talking about it being too hot and sweating. UGH.... At this point Olivia had my camera, Kendal was chasing Charlie (she kept taking the ornaments off of the strand I hadn't tied off yet). Meanwhile, the I was trying to get the darn props put in the tree and they kept tangling so I just said forget it.. it was probably a total of 2 minutes but it felt like 20. 

I quickly grabbed my camera from Livy and told Kendal and Maddy to grab a baby and do what I was asking. That didn't work.. AT.ALL. neither baby wanted to be held.. unless you count Livy who only wanted to be held by me. Ok lets sit I instructed - nope no one wanted to sit. Ok give them the ornaments (that didn't stay in the tree)... at least they were sitting... ok now look at me.. nope no looking at mommy. I was done and I could tell the kids were too, so I called it. No more photos lets go home. Kendal knew I was upset and she kept apologizing saying "maybe we got a few good ones mom" (oh yea she doesn't call me "mommy anymore... ). I love her for trying to make me feel better, she wanted to make sure I wasn't mad and truth be told I wasn't mad just frustrated on a number of levels. But getting the photos wasn't worth making my kids miserable and they were getting there fast! 

We got in the car and Kendal asked to see my camera; as I was driving she kept saying "this one is good, awww thats cute" bless her for knowing what I needed to hear. I attempted these photos over a week ago and I just now put them on my computer, and had already declared to my husband "well maybe we won't send Christmas Cards this year". I know... again being dramatic, but as a photographer it stinks when things don't turn out the way you plan in your mind... especially when it is your own family. After looking through the photos I realized Kendal was right-there were a "few" good ones; a "few" I would call a success... but the best part is... I am ok with that. I am ok that what I had in my vision didn't happen; instead I have a "few" perfectly imperfect photos of my children right where the are right now in life and that is what makes a photo perfect.

So here they are... 

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