Sunday, August 24, 2014

12 Months

How do you put into words 12 months of life 12 months of something amazing you never knew you couldn't live without? I've been struggling with this "update" for a few days now thinking about what to say how to put into words what these last 12 months have meant to me... how they've changed me and how they girls have changed.
Its no secret the time leading up to the first birthday was pretty hard- I haven't been able to put my finger on just why it was difficult. I tend to think its because there is two of them that makes it so hard!! Now that the actual "day" is over with I am less sad and more excited to watch them grow over the next 12 months and the last few days have already been full of changes for both of them! but we will leave that for the 13 month update!

So here is the best I can do for their 12 month recap...

Little miss Olivia came into this world all of 4 pounds 3 ounces and my oh my was she a tiny little thing. When she was born and the doctor held her up all I could say was "she's so tiny". Those days in the NICU holding her in our hands she seemed and was so fragile. There were times we were scared to hold her or change her or even burp her after eating. When we had to leave her at the hospital it was the hardest thing we ever had to do. Everyday we went back to see her, hold her, feed her; and every night we talked to the nurses did she gain weight? Did she eat enough? Did she wake herself up to eat? All in hopes that that she could come home the next day, and finally that day came we practically ran out of the house to get her. Over the next months she grew into an amazing little baby girl, mostly quiet and observant. Always looking around watching what everyone was doing, and she still does this today- with a few more noises thrown in there. As the months went on this once tiny little baby gained weight and started eating just as much as her sister. She usually did things after her sister... except her teeth this girl has 4 (working on 5 and 6) teeth! We never worried about her doing things after Charlotte, we felt it was ok to celebrate them individually to celebrate their accompaniments as the happened. Olivia has taken a few steps on her own but still loves to crawl and feels it's the fastest way to get from Point A to Point B. She says Dada, Mama, Hi, and Charlie. She has started to mimic what we do and it is very funny to watch her. She is very observant of what is happening around her- the minute she sees a cup she gets excited because she knows she is going to get a drink, or if you put her in her highchair she starts kicking her legs and banging on the tray waiting for the food she knows is coming. She prefers to feed herself and gets upset if she can't do it herself. Her favorite foods are still pancakes, yogurt, any fruit, carrots, chicken, black beans, and so much more. It seems so hard to believe 12 months has come and gone in the blink of an eye. This little girl has brought so much joy to our lives and we couldn't imagine it any other way.

Charlotte- always my baby B the girl that we thought "maybe was the boy" (only because she was more modest and we couldn't always tell right away). She moved all over the place usually with her foot, hand, or butt in Livy's face. She was always the bigger one the one we didn't need to monitor as much during NSTs. And my sweet sweet Charlotte is just the same on the outside as she was inside. When the doctor held her up after she was born all I could think was how long she was- just completely stretched out. She is still miss long girl to this day 30 inches!! When we are able to take Charlotte home and Livy had to stay in the hospital it was so very hard to leave one and take the other. My Doctor said to me.. it may be hard to believe but you will be "happy" you get to take one home first. He told us it would be good for us to get used to having one home before having two there. Now, just to be clear we were not happy leaving one and taking one.. and of course he knew that, but the point was taken. I don't necessarily know if it was easier to have Charlotte home first or if it prepared us for anything but we learned along the way and we figured some things out before Livy came home. I believe Charlotte still thinks she gets to do things first so that we can prepare for when Livy and her are doing them at the same time. During the last month she has started walking and when Livy tries to walk she will clap for her, walk over to her, and stand beside her. She may be baby B born one minute after Olivia but she sure is a great leader and "helper" to her sister. Charlotte is such a sweet heart always loving on something- even if its her play phone. She has such an amazing spirit that is super contagious to anyone around her. She has been mimicking what her big sisters do and loves to shake her head "no" when we say "no-no". She like her sister will eat anything you put in front of her and she will eat a lot of it! She got her first two teeth this month and we didn't even know they came in!! This paved the way for the next tooth which was torture for her. A few all nighters and a lot of screaming and crying later it came through! We love this girl so much and like her sister she has changed our lives for the better in so many ways.

I can't think of any other way to have spent the last year than getting to know these two amazing girls. Watching them grow and watching them with their big sisters has been the best and most wonderful memories made. I know the next 12 months will be just as amazing and I can't wait for whats to come.
We love you so much baby girls. 

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