Friday, August 15, 2014

A Birthday and A Few All Nighters

This week my oldest daughter my first daughter my first baby turned 10! I look at her and I remember the day she was born I used to play it over in my head every single August 13th {ok I still do this}. I replay the entire day from start to finish and every year the details just come back and the happiness, excitement, and joy I felt that day are just as emotional. I remember her face when she looked up at me and how I sat up that entire first night holding her.

Now looking at her I am blown away by how big she is and how much she has grown. How much we have learned together, she has taught me more than I can even believe possible. It's amazing how we go into parenthood scared and confused with more questions than we will ever have answers for, but the moment that little baby is born those questions are suddenly replaced with a love we never knew possible. We eventually begin to figure out the answers to some of the questions and others we never figure out, but somehow we make it through year one and year two and yes we even make it to year ten.

I couldn't ask for a better daughter and partner to learn this job with. This girl is so full of life and she loves everything about it. She smiles all the time and is ready to take on any challenge even if it scares her more than she can imagine. She is an amazing big sister and I catch her in little moments with her sisters that make me even more proud of her than I ever thought possible. She is one of kind not afraid to be herself and I hope that never changes for her.

Happy Birthday Kendal We love you more than you know!

Oh and for those all nighters.... 
Charlotte is heavily into teething ... this is the worst teething "time" I have experienced! Her first two teeth came in and we didn't even know it! Now all of a sudden she's getting two more and and boy do we know it! She does love her "paci" and has it at bed time and nap time, she has always been a great sleeper for us with little to no problems going to bed.
Oh but these teeth have changed that for sure! She won't take her Paci which means she is having a hard time falling asleep.... que the all nighters - once she gets tired enough (From screaming) she falls  asleep (on my chest) for about an hour (if we are lucky). this has been going on for two nights straight! Every nap time and bed time she tries to take her paci but then throws it because it hurts her mouth! UGH!!!! Its horrible when you can't take away your child's pain you want nothing more than to take their place. I know this isn't the last time I will want to take any of my children's places. Although that thought scares me {because I know it means there's more scary things and pain in this world} I know they will get through it and be stronger for it... and so will I. 

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