Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

Since I don't "work" long weekends seem to happen pretty frequently. But I have to say it is nice to have the "long weekend" with my husband and all of my girls. This weekend certainly seemed long with trips to the store, a fantastic overnight stay for a wedding, a cook out, and a trip to the pool. 

First up our trip to SAMs Club- my first store outing with the twins alone in quite a while. Let's be real here for a minute I am used to questions about the twins and frankly questions about how/way we conceived the twins. But not this particularly fun day/trip to the store I was feeling very overwhelmed by the amount of attention we received from the moment we walked into the store from the time we left. We had to wait in line for over 20 minutes to make a return and of course the return area is right next to the exit so every single person that passed by asked questions or made comments, or tried to touch my babies! UGH PEOPLE HANDS OFF!! 
Ok, so I know people mean well and people are naturally curious I can get that and to a certain extent I am ok with "some" of the questions. But let me get my twin mom vent on for a few seconds here- Please, please, I don't want to tell you how we have twins, I don't want to tell you if the are "natural" or we had to have "assistance" conceiving them. I don't want you to tell me I have my hands full or hear you say "double trouble", I don't want to answer your question about "Twins running in my family"... Ok rant over. I guess it just comes down to this... I don't ask you or others for that matter how you conceived your children, I don't ask if boys or girls or two children or five children run in your family ect.... Honestly, as much as these questions bother me I find myself answering them- I don't want to be rude and I know there is a general curiosity about twins but sometimes I just want to buy my formula and eat my SAMs Club samples in peace! 

Saturday was wedding day- as some of you know aside from being a pretty cool mom to four girls I am a photographer "on the side". The wedding location was over an hour away so we (hubby and I) decided to make a day/night of it and stay at the wedding location. We were lucky to my sister in-law watch the girls for us. It was nice to get away for 24 hours and have some (a few hours) of alone time with my hubby. 

Saying goodbye to these cuties and of course my big girls is never easy but - mommy/daddy time is always needed.

I couldn't have asked for a better location to shoot a wedding and the bride is a good friend so this was  great wedding and memory!

Sunday was grocery day and relaxing with friends! 

We had a great memorial day just hanging with family, relaxing, and hitting the pool. The babies love love love the pool and they are getting braver every single time we put them in. Olivia is not "jumping" in from sitting on the edge it is so cute to watch her hold her breath as she scooches her butt off the side into the water! 

It was a great day to remember all those that serve and have served our country...


  1. Your girls are presh, all four! I don't think people will ever stop with the twin questions. I just smile and answer them and move along. It can get overwhelming when it has been the 13th person to stop you in the same store. Love reading your bloggy blog. You're an awesome photographer!

  2. Twin questions are so hard! You can't do anything fast and it's no one else's business! I have b/g twins and I keep telling myself that this is only temporary. People will stop realizing they are twins soon. :) your girls are cute!


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