Monday, May 19, 2014

Charlotte & Olivia Turn 9 Months

Wait....What...The twins are 9 months old??? I can't believe the twins have been in our lives for 9 months I simply cannot image my life without them- I even cannot image Kendal and Madison without their little sisters. Its strange how life changes so quickly but feels like its always been the way it currently is. I guess this is what one would call... Blessed...

Miss Olivia ~ perfect little Olivia I can't even find the words to describe the way you light up our lives. Your gentle sweetness is like none other and your precious noises fill us with a joy like no other. You have changed so very much during this last month you are becoming more and more like a mini-toddler and less like our little baby every day. You started crawling on May 4th, got your second tooth on April 19th, and said your first word "Dada" on April 28th. You also pull yourself up and can stand for several seconds unassisted. You sleep through the night ~ unless you are teething which seems like all the time! You love to eat and are eating a lot of different foods and have decided you would much rather have food you can pick up and mash with your gums over purees. Your favorite foods continue to be yogurt and applesauce. Your new likes are cottage cheese and veggie straws. 
You weigh 15 pounds 10 ounces putting you just over the 3rd percentile on the growth chart and you are 27.75 inches putting you at 58% on the growth chart. You are growing well and the doctor is happy with your progress. You take after your big sister Madison when it comes to height and weight. 
Your favorite thing right now is mommy a mamas girl for sure~ You love to play with your sisters but as soon as you see mama you start crying... A stage we are assuming with your age and constant teething~ But I'll take those cuddles anytime! Your favorite toy is the leap pad learning table. 
We love you so much Olivia Marie Grace

Sweet Sweet Charlotte ~ What a personality you have developed you are absolutely your big sister Kendal in so many ways. You laugh at every.single.thing we are alway coming up with funny things to do just to get you to laugh and then we do the "thing" over and over and over some more to hear that infectious laugh. You love your food, your big sisters, your twin sister, and pretty much anything you can get your hands on. You too would rather have food your can pick up and put into your mouth {mostly because you like to put more in your mouth than mommy does}. You love yogurt and applesauce just like your sister~ but your new favorites are turkey and chicken. This has also been a month of major growth for you. You still don't have any teeth but I suspect that will be changing in the next few days. You started crawling on April 27th, said your first work "Baba" on April 26th... quickly followed by Dada on the 27th. You also pull yourself up all.the.time and can stand unassisted for several minutes. You also sleep through the night like your sister again unless you are teething. Your favorite toy is your activity walker~which you only currently use to stand up on or play with... no walking with it... yet.
 You have grown so much and now weigh 18 pounds 2 ounces putting you in the 37th percentile and you are 29 inches putting you in the 92nd percentile for hight~ Just like your big sister Kendal! We can't believe how much you have gown and changed over the past month and we are so excited to see what the next month brings...... Walking.......perhaps?
We love you so much Charlotte Ann Faith

There is certainly never a dull moment with these two little ladies and we wouldn't have it any other way. I never knew I could love as much as I love all of my girls. {And of course I can't forget my husband just like the kids changed our lives for the better he too continues to change for the better~ I couldn't do any of this without his love and support. Our children are lucky to call him daddy, dad, or just plain dada....} Charlotte and Olivia we love you "so big" you have grown so much in the blink of an eye~ I want you to stay my babies forever; but I know that's not possible so I will settle for just a little while longer. I love you so much baby girls.

~ Mama

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