Friday, January 4, 2019

What's Up Life...

Exactly... right?
Here comes a new and improved Blog for you all! It's literally been forever since I last wrote, no I am serious we are talking 15 whole months!! Life gets crazy sometimes and to be quite honest life is crazy ALL the time these days around our house. So I thought what better way to relaunch this blog than with a new name that really fits this season of our life! "What's up Life"... I really wanted a name that could represent all the "stuff" that we have going on, all the activities the kids are involved in, what the husband and I are up to, and so much more.

Yes, the last 15 months have been pretty crazy, and if you don't follow me on social media then I'm sure all the updates will start making sense soon. I really did miss my little blog and my readers during my break and I thought about things I could blog about often. It was simply a matter of finding time to sit and write. I've always loved writing and it has been a way for me to connect with others so for 2019 I'm bringing it back. I've learned from the past and my time away that it really doesn't matter how often I blog, what matters is that I make a connection when I do. I hope that you will find the same blog you remember from before with just a bit more fun and laughs.

Now for a quick update...
All the happenings in 2018
-We went north for Christmas (2017) and we all came back sick! It took us nearly the entire rest of winter break to get back to feeling better.
-The twins finished up VPK and moved up a level in Gymnastics, and of course started kindergarten in the fall
-Madison was involved with Odyssey of the Mind and her team won at the county level and went to states, they didn't win but it was a fun experience for us all
-Curt (the husband) coached several soccer teams and had a blast. The kids he coached really loved him and our kids loved to watch the games and eat all the snacks from their Aunt Bridget
-Kendal finished up her first year of cheerleading and rolled right into her 8th grade year of cheer.
-Parker really grew a lot during 2018, she found her voice and her words and there has been no stopping her since!
-We went to New Mexico in May to visit with my side of the family. My nephew graduated from high school and we all came from different parts of the country to celebrate
- I am continuing to coach my health and fitness groups and have started substitute teaching, it has been on of the biggest blessings for my personal growth
-WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!! Yes, in May we finally bought a house in Florida! What we thought might not happen until the end of the year came much quicker thanks to our amazing realtor and our willingness to take a leap!

So of course there's probably so much more I could share but that is the quick version! I can't wait to share more the life we've been living with the seven of us. we have many adventures planned for this year and it's going to be amazing!

Welcome back friends... I am so glad you're here!

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