Friday, January 11, 2019

Mom Talk 2.0

You may remember … way back when.... like 15 months or so ago that I had a semi weekly post about all the things moms experience that literally leave us shaking our head called "mom talk". Or maybe we just need to hear "Yup, I've been there too".  Is this crazy life we just need to know we are not alone and we are amazing just the way we are.

Target.. Let' be real … target is my jam and my family knows it. My 2 year old will request to go to target when we are out of something at our house. For example "Mom, go target for fru foops (Fruit loops)". We pull into a random store's parking lot "Mom we at Target". And she is just so smart and all knowing about target that she knows exactly were the double carts are located upon entering the store. Why does target do this, why and how are we sucked in? When I think to myself that I have to go to the store, my second thought is "do they have it at target?" My husband likes to tell me that I think I have to "go through" target to get home. But yet some how he still askes me "why did you have to go to target" … Like he doesn't already know. I'm just saying we all have our "thing" and well I guess target is mine... and my friends … I am OK with it :)

Dinner … Any parent of small children (current or former) knows what a battle dinner time can be. We are stuck some where between "you will eat what I make" and "I don't care what you eat, just eat something". Seriously, I think Olivia has cereal for dinner more than she has it for breakfast! She askes me all the time "what's for dinner" and it doesn't matter what I say... if it doesn't start with mac n' cheese, hot dogs, or chicken nuggets … she doesn't like it. I absolutely remember this time with the older girls, but for some reason it is so much harder to deal with now! So what do you do??? I say dinner time is supposed to be enjoyable and free of crying and complaining … HAHAHA yea right. But I bet it would be if I just gave her the cereal to begin with right??

When was the last time you had a bath?? This Is a serious question I ask myself probably more times than I should. Being a parent really means you have to remember a lot of things.. feed them, make sure they wear more than underwear out of the house, educate them, "try" and keep them from getting hurt, make sure they don't smell... I mean come on... that is a lot! Then you add in more than one child, and activities, and groceries, and target runs, and so much more and you barely have time to make sure you got a shower let alone your kids! So for real how long is it acceptable to go without a bath?? Asking for two 5 year old's and a 2 year old.

Listen.. life is not always easy, and we aren't perfect. So what if we live for 30.. ok 60 minutes of quiet time at TARGET ALONE, or we feed our kid chicken nuggets for dinner every night of the week, and we have to question when they were last clean. We ALL Do the best we can and if you think you are alone YOU ARE NOT. Take heart friend we are all in this together.

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