Monday, July 25, 2016

Four Months ~ Parker

What a big month of changes for this little chunk...

•sleep. Still sleeping through the night and we are very happy about that! She is going down for the night a little earlier between 7:30 and 8:00 and sleeping until about 7:00 or 8:00. She likes to kick her legs up and down and spin herself around all throughout the night. Most mornings she is in a totally different direction from where she started the night. I have to give her her paci from time to time but for the most part she does a great job sleeping. She also does pretty well with nap time taking several 30-45 minutes naps a day and one longer 2-3 hour nap. She does ok falling asleep on her own, sometimes she needs a little rocking or holding but we are ok with that from time to time. A much as I love to hold and snuggle miss Parker I do have two toddlers to chase after! She absolutely loves her stuffed kitty lovey and sleeps with it all the time. She always wants to be holding onto something so her kitty is perfect to snuggle up to. 

•eat. Little Mama is up to 6 ounces of formula 5-6 times a day, to say she loves to eat is an understatement! She absolutely lets us know when she is hungry and don't even think about stopping to burp her. She still has a some issues with reflux but we have been able to drop down to only giving her one dose of her medicine each day. Since she had her 4 month checkup a few days ago we talked about starting her on some cereal and we were given the go ahead. She's doing great so far!!

•play. She loves to play and is starting to hold onto some of her toys and of course puts them right to her mouth. Big sisters love to hug and kiss little sister ALL.THE.TIME. Get your hands any where near her face and your finger is going to end up in her mouth. I'm sure there is much more play to come but right now we are really enjoying this fun stage!

~other changes. 

As mentioned above we love to call Parker "chunk" she is by far our chubbiest baby and we are loving it! She takes after Kendal in the length department and I have a feeling she is going to be tall just like big sister. Here are her 4 month stats:

Weight: 15 pounds 8 ounces Birth: 7 pounds 7 ounces (75th percentile)
Length: 26 inches Birth 19 inches (95th percentile)

Parker is doing a great job with tummy time and actually enjoys it now. She definitely has mastered rolling from her belly to her back and is working very hard on going from her back to her belly. It's so much fun to watch her try. She is "talking" a lot more, mostly with her hands in her mouth but just as always it's so cute to listen to her little noises. She also giggles "sometimes" we want to hear it all the time because it is just so adorable, which leads us to trying all kinds of silly things to get her giggling.

Parker is entering a really fun stage which also means she is growing so fast. Like always we are just soaking up all sweetness this little one throws our way.

Happy 4 Months Parker

3 Month update

Parker and her cousin Paisley

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