Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Cause for Celebration

There are just some things in life worth celebrating and celebrating big. It’s pretty amazing when most of your family and friends can come together to celebrate big milestones with you. This past weekend I had the opportunity to do just that. Many of you may remember a post about my sister getting engaged! Just prior to their engagement they bought their first house, plenty of reason to celebrate right? Before the party recap let me tell you a little about my baby sister.

My sister (Tara) and I are eight and a half years apart, this age gap makes for a pretty interesting big sister little sister relationship. I used to take her to her kindergarten class every day and yes she cried… she cried for the first few weeks. I used to run down by her room when I had lunch and peek in the window to make sure she was not crying. My little sister was my sidekick she went everywhere with me and we did everything together she was my little bestie. When my husband and I started dating our senior year of high school Tara went everywhere with us – this created even more of a bond between her and myself as well as with my then boyfriend. Just as my big bother (he’s four years older) looked out for me I looked out for Tara. I hated to see her upset and to this day I feel the same way. When I went off to college and left my sister behind I vowed to come home as much as I could. In the beginning I didn’t do well keeping that promise, but when I did come home seeing her and my mom was exactly what I needed. So I started coming home almost every weekend, I needed and wanted to be a part of her life in anyway possible. As she grew into her teenage years she also grew as a person, her caring nurturing personality began to show. Being a part of her life during this time taught me a lot about myself and the kind of parent I wanted to be. Soon she was graduating high school and off to college. Always determined to be successful in all areas of her life… including those boyfriends! Often she would ask me for advice about the boys in her life never really sure if the relationships would last… but we got through them! One summer she met the neighbor boy David – they dated and took things slowly. From the beginning we could tell this was something different. Even though he was 3 years younger – fresh out of high school Tara didn't  let any negative comments about their relationship affect her choices. After graduating with her undergraduate degree (with honors) she went off to graduate school in a new state with her new boyfriend. At this time I was already a mom of two and busy living my life. We didn’t get to talk much and at times it felt as though our relationship was slipping. But anytime Tara would call me or need something we were right back at it… big sister / little sister. Tara graduated with her Masters Degree in Social Work and we were there to watch her in that amazing moment. During that time her relationship with David continued to grow – nearly seven years later and after being asked more times than I am sure they care to remember David proposed – just him and Tara in the middle of carrying groceries into their new house. Tara has always said they are writing their own story doing things on their own terms and this engagement is proof that is exactly what they are doing.

Since the house and the engagement my sister and I have a renewed bond – I can’t quite describe it but its like we are that big sister little sister duo taking on the world all over again. I am so very happy I was able to go to Pennsylvania (with no kids) this past weekend to celebrate the amazing life my sister has built. It was also great for us to spend some one on one sister time bonding… its been way to long.

In the midst of celebrating the wonderful news of a new house and engagement – it was also time to announce that a baby is on the way!! Just weeks after their engagement they found they were also expecting! This is such an amazing time in their lives and the joy on their faces when they were able to share the news with family and friends was so great to witness.

Oh yea and the party... well it was great everyone had a great time celebrating all the wonderful things this couple is experiencing! 

My sister has inspired me on so many levels; she is my confidant, my champion, and my best friend. There is nothing more I could ask for… ok maybe for us to live closer together….. but for now….  I love you sister.

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