Monday, April 27, 2015

20 Months

How has 20 months come and gone so quickly? How in 4 months with these twins of mine be 2??? Everyday these girls are more like little people, little toddlers, and less like the little babies I remember. The changes come so rapidly now that it's hard to keep up, I think I will have to start taking notes.

Olivia- Loves anything to do with Minnie Mouse even if its Mickey - she still say Minnie. She could watch Mickey Mouse club house all day if I let her. She can usually be seen giving me the remote after breakfast each morning to turn on her fav Minnie. Olivia is pretty independent of her sister and will generally do things on her own. She does join in on running around with Charlotte and if she sees Charlotte doing something she wants to do she is right there with her. She loves her Daddy, soccer, anything with a buckle, and her pets. Olivia will repeat just about any word we ask her to say and the sound of the word coming from her is just to die for. She can usually be seen without her diaper or in the process of taking it off. This is probably one the most frustrating parts of this age - as soon as her diaper is too wet for her she takes it off, I am taking this as a sign of impeding potty training. She has used the potty a few times but mostly takes her diaper off and gets a new one for me to put on her before she goes on the floor. She sleeps very well and goes to bed around 730-8 and wakes between 8 and 9. I love that all of my girls are great sleepers it helps so very much with sleep for mommy and daddy. We are still lacking 4 teeth (not counting the 2 year molars), it appears that one is about to come through very soon. She loves to be outside on our patio or in the pool or just going for a walk. Both girls have started a new thing of being scared of loud"er" noises. Cars pulling into the parking lot, lawn mowers, the vacuum cleaner - I am not sure where this came from but they are genuinely scared and come running every single time. We love to jump on the bed, run around giggling, and just be plain silly. Olivia definitely has a mind of her own and is very persistent in trying to get what she wants. She loves to say No and throws some pretty good fits... especially when she wants her paci... and our answer is no. Either way I love the quality of persistence in her and I hope it stays with her.

We love you Livy Grace

Charlotte - This little one is very much the leader of the twin pack. She is always trying to get Olivia involved in what ever she may be up to. She is very adventurous there isn't anything she won't try and  is only afraid of one thing... the sound of cars, trucks, or anything loud. I am not sure where this fear came from but the look of pure fright on her face breaks my heart. She is full of life, loves to laugh, and appears to be in a constant state of giggling. She is so very silly and loves to mimic mommy and daddy or her sisters. This is absolutely why I love this age - you get to see those little personalities take shape every day. Charlotte is also in the "I don't want to wear a diaper" phase- I think we are all of a sudden going through diapers at the same frequency as if they were newborns! Every day I am watching for signs they are ready to really start potty training. Charlotte is a big helper, she loves to help with the groceries, dishes, clean messes off the floor, and pick up her toys. She has such a big heart and is right there to rub your leg or give you a hug if you get hurt. She loves to help Olivia do whatever it is she may be trying to do. On the flip side Charlotte is still a little bit of a bully, if her sister has something she wants she does not hesitate to take it for herself. We've seen some shoving or hitting, but the apology usually follows in the form of a hug and a "soowy". This little one loves to eat and there aren't many things she doesn't like but if she finds something she doesn't like she will let you know as she spits it out and proceeds to wipe her tongue clean. This girl also has a mind of her own and I simply love this about her, she is not afraid to let her "point" be known, and we can't help but humor her.

We love you Miss. Charlotte

These two girls have an amazing bond that we can already see even at this young age. There is nothing more amazing than hearing two little voices giggle in unison or watching them run and play together. They love to sit together and "sometimes" share their snacks with each other. I am loving seeing this bond form and I simply cannot wait to see what happens next.

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